You can move from one level to the next and gradually ramp up your reading skills. You can find the order (zum Bestellen) and download (zum Downloaden) links here. What does it want? Here’s an example: Synopsis: “Josephine, a young penguin, is discouraged by her lack of success in school, but discovers that it is better to keep trying than to give up.“, Other languages available: Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Danish, French, Italian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Persian / Farsi, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish. The course is built around a story – Der Mann mit dem Hut – and the story is the engine of the course. Not all of the books are always available, but if you find a Downloaden link you’ll get an immediate PDF download, and even better: if you click on Bestellen you can get a free physical copy delivered to your doorstep, free shipping worldwide. In the following article, I’d like to present a number of German language books for children that come in various formats, but most importantly, are free to download and enjoy. Contrary to many older German literary classics, Kafka’s prose is relatively simple and easy to read for German learners due to its clear (i.e. This collector’s edition comprises the first five episodes of the popular “Baumgartner & Momsen” crime and mystery series for intermediate and advanced German learners: Mord am Morgen, Die Dritte Hand, Des Spielers Tod, Zum Bärenhaus and Heidis Frühstück. Reading books in a foreign language is a natural and fun way of improving vocabulary and phraseology but also learning about the history and culture of the nation whose language you are trying to learn. You can browse and download their short books in PDF format from their site. First published in 1915 and considered one of the most important 20th century works of fiction, this German novella by Franz Kafka is still studied in schools and universities worldwide. Can you help Kommissar Baumgartner and his colleague Kommissarin Momsen identify and catch the murderer? Once you get to the search results for their children’s books, look for the buttons Downloaden und Bestellen under each title. Have you used German children’s book in your studies? Where does it come from? Also, since he offers his children’s books in multiple languages, you can read the English and the German editions side by side, which is immensely helpful for reading-comprehension. the place where books (and other works of art) go when their copyright has run out. Additionally, there are many free German books for children published by federal German agencies, leagues and associations, which are designed as educational material for youngsters but will do just fine for German language-learning purposes. For example, the classic German children’s book Der Struwwelpeter, first published in 1845 as a kind of cautionary tale, is available on Project Gutenberg in EPUB, MOBI (Kindle) and other formats. They offer two children’s books, one called Energie & Strom (energy and electricity) and Meine Freundin, die ist Ingenieurin (my girlfriend, she’s an engineer). Now, finding free German children’s books or fairy-tales in the public domain is not difficult, but there’s a problem with books or stories that are more than 100 years old. Experience the second episode of our bestselling “Dino lernt Deutsch” story series for German learners on your stereo or headphones, at home or on the go. It's my top recommendation for anyone who wants to learn German from scratch. One of the most well-known sources for free German children books online is the public domain, .i.e. In the local zoo a corpse is found in the Panda enclosure. Admittedly, most stories aimed at third-graders will not put adult readers at the edge of their seat, but working with these very simple narrative text can be an excellent way to practice German in a non-threatening way. In this follow-up to “Ferien in Frankfurt”, Dino finds himself in Cologne, the carnival capital of Germany and home of the Cologne Cathedral. Tell us in the comments! Forget about boring textbooks! A picture book for the young and young at heart about an unusual friendship between two pets. Not only are the ideas and strict morals (as in Struwwelpeter) bewildering to modern readers, also these texts often use strange vocabulary, idioms and other stylistic devices which are outdated and hard to grasp even for native German speakers. filter out their children’s books from the thousands of publications, Learn Hebrew With Israeli Movies And Award-Winning TV Series “Shtisel”, 24 Techniques to Learn English Faster, According to Your Learning Style, Creativity And New Technologies In The Foreign Language Classroom: A Practical Case, Café in Berlin Review for German Learners by Herr Antrim: “Really Easy to Read!”, 7 German TV Series To Make You Laugh And Learn The Language In No Time. In a small seaside town body parts start appearing out of nowhere. These books are designed as entry-level reading material for beginners both young and old. This collector’s edition comprises the first four episodes of the popular “Dino lernt Deutsch” story series for German learners: “Café in Berlin”, “Ferien in Frankfurt”, “Karneval in Köln” and “Momente in München”. relatively short) sentences and lack of overly complicated vocabulary. The site can be a bit tricky to navigate but if you follow this link, you’ll get the search results for all the German language children’s books. The books are produced by the hiqh-quality Carlsen publishing house and can be read in-browser. German learners who enjoy reading a good book can benefit greatly from reading German literature. It comes in PDF format and has tons of additional (downloadable) and interactive materials. Help Bert unravel the mystery of the book-threatening"reading machine". Now that you know how to find them, below is a list of children’s books in German which are excellent for learners in order of difficulty. Literary German short stories or classic German novels may be intimidating for beginners or simply not everyone’s cup of tea. All mails are handled by secure Mailchimp® servers. Learning German with stories is a great method to practice and expand your vocabulary and grammar. Last but not least, the Hamburgische Bürgerschaft (Hamburg Citizenry) has two German children’s books called Pixi-Wissen: Politik und Demokratie (politics and democracy) and Pixi-Wissen: Ich habe eine Freundin, die ist Abgeordnete (I have a girlfriend, she’s a representative). Another free educational resource by the Bundesamt für Naturschutz (Federal Agency for Nature Protection) is Kinatschu, a children’s magazine about nature protection and conversation which can be downloaded as PDF here. 15 Great German Children’s Books for Beginners. Also, the Grimm Brothers’ world-famous collection of fairy-tales can be easily obtained through the Projekt Gutenberg. Kindle: via ePub: vi… To whom do they belong? (Agency for Renewable Resources) and their Bauer Hubert (farmer Hubert) children’s book series. In this sequel to “Karneval in Köln”, Dino is making his way into the heart of Munich, capital of the Free State of Bavaria and home of the world-famous Oktoberfest.. Wilhelm’s books are written in clear and contemporary language, and come with lovely full-color illustrations. Experience daily life in the German capital through the eyes of a newcomer, learn about the country and its people, and improve your German effortlessly along theway! Save the world and learn German one sword-fight at a time! For example, the classic German children’s book Der Struwwelpeter, first published in 1845 as a kind of cautionary tale, is available on Project Gutenberg in EPUB, MOBI (Kindle) and other formats. One of the most well-known sources for free German children books online is the public domain, .i.e. Which ones do you recommend? Level up your conversational German, and boost your vocabulary with fun little stories told through dialogue. If you’re looking for German children’s books that are specifically aimed at language learners, you can also check out my own two publications called Bert das Buch and Fred der Fisch. The sentences are short, there are often illustrations to support text comprehension, and most German books for children make do with a rather basic vocabulary.
2020 german story books for beginners online