Now: Another Greek at the time, the philosopher Socrates, strongly disagreed with Aristophanes. Yes l want more quotes about love because l am a lover. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. What in the world is philosophy? Hear Me For My Cause’ Speech, ‘Signior Antonio, Many A Time And Oft’ Monologue Analysis, ‘St Crispin’s Day’ speech with translation, ‘The Quality Of Mercy Is Not Strain’d’ Monologue Analysis, ‘To Horse You Gallant Princes’ Monologue Analysis, ‘That I Did Love The Moor’ Monologue Analysis, ‘Unhappy That Am I, I Cannot Heave’ Monologue Analysis, ‘You Are Three Men Of Sin’ Monologue Analysis, ‘And What’s He Then That Says I Play The Villain’ Soliloquy Analysis, ‘All The Infections That The Sun Sucks Up’ Soliloquy Analysis, ‘Gallop Apace, You Fiery-Footed Steeds’ Soliloquy Analysis, ‘How All Occasions Do Inform Against Me’ Soliloquy Analysis, ‘How Oft When Men Are At The Point Of Death’ Soliloquy Analysis, ‘I Am That Merry Wanderer Of The Night’ Soliloquy Analysis, ‘If It Were Done When ‘Tis Done’ Soliloquy Analysis, ‘Is This A Dagger Which I See Before Me?’ Soliloquy Analysis, ‘It Is The East And Juliet Is The Sun’ Soliloquy Anaysis, ‘Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent’ Soliloquy Analysis, ‘Now Might I Do It Pat’ Soliloquy Analysis, ‘O God Of Battles! Steel My Soldiers’ Hearts’ Soliloquy Analysis, ‘O That This Too Solid Flesh Would Melt’ Soliloquy Analysis, ‘O, My Offence Is Rank It Smells To Heaven’ Soliloquy Analysis, ‘O, She Doth Teach The Torches To Burn Bright’ Soliloquy Analysis, ‘O, What A Rogue And Peasant Slave Am I!’ Soliloquy Analysis, ‘The Clock Struck Nine When I Did Send The Nurse’ Soliloquy Analysis, ‘The Raven Himself Is Hoarse’ Soliloquy Analysis, ‘This Is The Excellent Foppery Of The World’ Soliloquy Analysis, ‘Thou, Nature, Art My Goddess’ Soliloquy Analysis, Hamlet: ‘To Be Or Not To Be, That Is The Question’, ‘Tomorrow, And Tomorrow, And Tomorrow’ Soliloquy Analysis, ‘What Light Through Yonder Window Breaks?’ Soliloquy Analysis, A Midsummer Night’s Dream Soliloquy In Modern English, Romeo & Juliet Soliloquies in Modern English, The Merchant of Venice Soliloquies In Modern English, The Tempest Soliloquies In Modern English, “To hold stars in your hands, you must at first have the universe in your heart.”, “The key to love is to love back. Philosophical quotes and life. To help you find some much needed inspiration, we rounded up 50 of the best philosophical life quotes from famous philosophers. But just right for human souls.”. Please log in again. At any time, at any moment, for anyone, love can be created very soon.”, “Calling love a philosophy is like calling the air we breathe a philosophy or the water we drink a philosophy or the ground we stand on a philosophy. His philosophical view on love helps support the view of Bertrand Russell on love through his thought: The final aim of all love intrigues be they comic or tragic, is really of more importance than all other ends in human life. It is believed that Shakespeare wrote 38 plays in total between 1590 and 1612. Whether through experience, observation or examining the contents of their own mind, they've come up with insightful and memorable statements. The word itself comes from the two Greek words: philia and sophia.Philia is the Greek word for 'love' (a bond of friendship), while sophia is Greek for 'wisdom'. In this blog post we’ve researches all the great philosophers on love, and pulled together the top love quotes by philosophers whether written or spoken: What do you think of this list of philosophical quotes about love – any more philosophers on love we should include? Each Shakespeare’s play name links to a range of resources about each play: Character summaries, plot outlines, example essays and famous quotes, soliloquies and monologues: All’s Well That Ends Well Antony and Cleopatra As You Like It The Comedy of Errors Coriolanus Cymbeline Hamlet Henry IV Part 1 Henry IV Part 2 Henry VIII Henry VI Part 1 Henry VI Part 2 Henry VI Part 3 Henry V Julius Caesar King John King Lear Loves Labour’s Lost Macbeth Measure for Measure The Merchant of Venice The Merry Wives of Windsor A Midsummer Night’s Dream Much Ado About Nothing Othello Pericles Richard II Richard III Romeo & Juliet  The Taming of the Shrew The Tempest Timon of Athens Titus Andronicus Troilus & Cressida  Twelfth Night The Two Gentlemen of Verona The Winter’s Tale. “Love in action is a harsh and dreadful thing compared with love in dreams.” Fyodor Dostoevski “One word frees us Of all the weight and pain in life, That word is Love.” Socrates “Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.” St. Augustine “Love is composed of a … Among his love-sick targets, Catullus, along with others like Héloïse, would find himself summoned in the 12C to a Love's Assize. “Love in action is a harsh and dreadful thing compared with love in dreams.” Fyodor Dostoevski “One word frees us Of all the weight and pain in life, That word is Love.” Socrates “Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.” St. Augustine “Love is composed of a … We shove our hopes and thoughts down their throats hoping they swallow our passion. “This fire that we call Loving is too strong for human minds. With this understanding, philosophy could have a place in almost any category or topic. Love and passion can destabilize an entire economy lest we forget the lesson learned from Helen of Troy. “Valentine's Day isn't about religion. Isn't it so? “Not every marital union is going to be a meaningful and fulfilling experience. The feeling of love is hard to put into words, let these say it for you. Philosophy is literally the "love of wisdom". Honestly, the word philosophy means “Lover of wisdom”, derived from the Greek word, Philein Sophia. The unnecessary traction creates friction and fire, the perfect contradiction to the passion we desire. “To tame the winds and the waves all I had to do was show my love for you. It might sound silly with that visual example, but a lot of people still believe that love is searching for your missing half… a soul mate. “Common sense can dictate a perfectly reasonable response to a situation while the love and passion duo will more often than not out muscle the most macho of men. “Walk, and I shall light the way for you. Reciprocate the same level of energy, affection, respect, and attention.”, “Love is so critical issue. It's all about love & friendships, no matter what religion, faith or race that we are. When encountering philosophical … This list of Shakespeare plays brings together all 38 plays in alphabetical order.
2020 philosophical words about love