In June 2019, Australia's egg industry reported a national flock size of 20,946,659 layers or 28,605,990 layers and pullets. (interactive), To Lay or not to Lay – What makes a hen happy? Get up to speed on any industry with comprehensive intelligence that is easy to read. The NSW egg industry is a diverse and varied with 34% of all egg production in Australia occurring in NSW. (Interactive), Customer choices - A fit for everyone (Interactive), Animal Welfare - What it is all about? By continuing to use this website you agree to the use of these technologies. Egg laying hens are among millions of animals raised for ‘food’ in Australia who are deliberately excluded from legal protection against cruel treatment. The egg industry is made up of a diverse range of businesses, from large vertically integrated farms that control rearing, production, grading, packing and transportation, to very small-scale farms that sell to local markets. Analyses key performance and operational metrics so that you can benchmark against your own business, that of your customers’ businesses, or your competitors’ businesses. Includes the necessary information to perform SWOT, PEST and STEER analysis. For most laying hens in Australia, the first time she will ever see the sky, or breathe fresh air, is from the truck on the way to the slaughterhouse. Brown egg layers will lay 240-280 eggs a year and eat 3.5 pounds of feed for every dozen eggs they lay. (interactive), Sustainability- Egg farmers are doing their bit! learn more about egg production in australia Eggs are produced using different farming methods, with the three most common being free range , barn-laid , and cage . The egg industry is made up of a diverse range of businesses, from large vertically integrated farms that control rearing, production, grading, packing and transportation, to very small-scale farms that sell to local markets. EFA promotes and ensures the sustainability of the whole Australian egg industry, developing and advocating policy and participating in public conversations on issues … The Australian egg industry, led by Australian Eggs2, has developed a Sustainability Framework which “reflects the Australian egg industry’s objective of farming eggs for Australians in a manner which is socially, environmentally and economically responsible” 3. Free range egg production has grown significantly over the last 15 years and now makes up 47% of all grocery retail sales. To meet this huge demand, egg farmers across the country look after a combined total of about 20 million hens. With an average egg weighing 58 grams, this equals 14.3 kilograms of egg per person, per year. Egg Farmers of Australia is the national representative body of Australian egg farmers. How many hens are there in Australia's egg industry? The journey of an egg from a farm to your kitchen table has several steps but the process happens faster than in other agricultural … Helps you understand market dynamics to give you a deeper understanding of industry competition and the supply chain. Biggest companies in the Egg Farming industry in Australia, Administration & Business Support Services, Professional, Scientific & Technical Services, Specialist Engineering, Infrastructure & Constractors, Market Size Statistics for Egg Farming in Australia. Per capita egg consumption grew to 247 eggs in the 2018-19 financial year. What farming systems are used to produce eggs in Australia? Industry growth. This will force all the hens to stop laying at the same time and allow them rebuild calcium stores and restore body condition. With an average egg weighing 58 grams, this equals 14.3 kilograms of egg per person, per year. In the 2018-19 financial year, New South Wales produced 33% of Australia's eggs with Victoria (26%) & Queensland (25%) not far behind. The same applies to the meat industry which is still quite young in comparison to the other poultry producers of the region. What farming systems are used to produce eggs in Australia? Millennial Chefs: Recipes to Master by 30, Helping hands - Children at home on the farm (interactive), Eggs-actly where do the eggs we eat come from? Egg food businesses need to meet food safety and labelling requirements which vary depending on business type and size: In Australia, the chicken layer industry, or egg industry, is an important intensive animal production system. To find out more about the Australian egg industry view our most recent annual reports here. Learn more about the Australian Egg industry here. (Interactive), Choline - The Unknown but Essential Nutrient, 6 Out Of 7 Australians Not Getting Enough Quality Protein. Famous poultry breeds in the country include The Araucana, The Australorp, orpingtons, The Plymouth Rock and The Rhode Island Reds, all of which are most used for the purpose of egg production in Australia. © 2020 Australian Eggs Limited. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Find easy how to recipes and learn about egg farming online today. Provides Market Size information to assist with planning and strategic decisions. However, commercial producers must comply with egg labelling guidelines and the Food Act 2008 and all other relevant legislation. The Australian Egg Corporation Limited YouTube Channel has a series of videos that demonstrate the different egg production systems. This website uses cookies to improve your user experience while you navigate through the website. More information is available from the following websites: Australian Egg Corporation; Poultry Cooperative Research Centre; Commercial Egg Producers Association WA Our reports include 15+ pages of data, analysis and charts, including: Inform your decisions for marketing, strategy and planning. The egg industry has displayed strong growth over the past decade due to rising per capita consumption of eggs (a little over 200 eggs per year/person). Due to increasing pressures on operating margins within the Australian egg industry, this study investigated the energy usage and ventilation systems in cage egg sheds.Optimising electricity usage is an important factor in improving the bottom line of egg production systems. We can all agree that animals should be protected from cruelty. Australian Egg Industry Overview. Where are eggs produced in Australia and who are our top egg-producing states?
2020 egg industry australia