What medick, the wood sorrels, and the true clovers all have in common is a leaf made up of three leaflets. Some ancients recommended the plant to quench thirst, and to strengthen a weak stomach. Empty the collected water from the drip tray after every irrigation. The number three is … I was taught they were lucky, they would keep snakes away, and they were the plant of my Irish/Celt ancestors. Creeping wood sorrel (Oxalis corniculata) should not be grown outdoors or as an indoor plant. Can Hen and Chicks Plants Be Kept Inside? When I had a stroke of luck and didn't break my neck when I fell out of the tree, they said it was the luck of the Irish. All photos are from Plant Files. I am sure St. Patrick played on these ancient beliefs, because the number three has been considered sacred in many cultures, particularly among the Celts to w. hom he was preaching. I am a retired high school art and humanities teacher. I grew up in the Appalachian mountains of southeast KY and now I live with my two rescued cats, Jazz and Daisy, in far western KY. Jenny Harrington has been a freelance writer since 2006. It is connected to St. Patrick in an interesting way as well. I found enough pressed shamrocks to cover the wall of my bedroom. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Now this plant serves as the symbol of the Emerald Isle. Your comments are welcome, but please be aware that authors of previously published articles may not be able to promptly respond to new questions or comments. The wood sorrel, or shamrock as most of us know it and as any true Irishman knows, has a tripartite leaf, and it was with this leaf the great St. Patrick is said to have explained the doctrine of the Trinity to the heathen Celts. Some varieties of wood sorrel are invasive, which is why it's mainly only grown as an indoor houseplant. It's readily available from many florists and nurseries near the St. Patrick's Day holiday, but you can enjoy this seasonal perennial for many years with proper care. There may not be much difference. Not four leafed clovers, mind you, but shamrocks. This taste is derived from a fairly high … Previously, she owned her own business, selling handmade items online, wholesale and at crafts fairs. The Celtic design is from Public Domain and the photo of the Bible and its treasures is my own. Even today's herbalists name it as an external wash or lotion, in treating skin infections, but there is no scientific basis for these claims. The leaves of this wild edible plant slightly resemble a shamrock. By the 1800's this species of sorrel had been introduced into North America and one herbalist noted that a decoction, or extract, of wood sorrel was being used to treat inflammatory disorders, fevers and diseases of the kidneys and bladder. "Seamrog", the Gaelic word for shamrock, was not found in writing until the early 1700s, and the term. I am not sure that old Bible was meant to hold little girl treasures, but it sure does. Do Not Sell My Personal Information] It was easy to use something that they could relate to already, in order to get them to accept Christianity. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the Davesgarden.com Terms of Use, Rules, Privacy Policy, and Cookie Policy. He was speaking from an open air pulpit, trying to convince the Celts to mend their crooked ways, and to illustrate the point he was making, he reached down to the ground and plucked a shamrock. (Editor's Note: This article was originally published on March 17, 2009. Back to the top The green has not faded. It also plays a part in the banishment of the serpent tribe of Ireland by a tradition that snakes are never seen near shamrocks, and by the claim that it was a remedy for snake and scorpion bite. They ran four food demonstrations and I wanted to see how they use ‘weeds’ in their recipes. But clover is beneficial to lawns. I had been seeing this plant growing along the road ... read more, I have literal swarms of honey bees yearly. When I had a temper tantrum, they said I was on the warpath, just like my Cherokee ancestors. The shamrock is an early symbol that was found on bishops tombs, and on copper coins long before it was mentioned in any writings. Up on stage in a prime spot was a clay pot of Oxalis or ‘Wood Sorrel’ as they called it. It's found all over the Los Angeles area. http://davesgarden.com/guides/articles/view/692/, Garden Jokes and Humor: Sunday Funnies 11-29-2020. I sucked the flavor right out of many shamrock stems, and it beats hard sour candy any day. I found a lot of legend and lore connected with the shamrock, most of it was told to me long ago, by whichever relative was claiming her Irish heritage at the time. Oxalis can grow between 6 to 12 inches tall and have unique shamrock … And believe it or not, the shamrock has a history of medicinal uses. Maintain a daytime temperature of 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit and avoid nighttime temperatures below 50 degrees. And, of course, there's gardening. Wood Sorrel Is Edible Wood sorrel is one of my favorite edible wild plants. In Elizabethan England it was a popular culinary herb, used as a salad ingredient, a potherb, and a sauce herb. Shamrocks - Not Just for St. Patrick's Day! I am sure St. Patrick played on these ancient beliefs, because the number three has been considered sacred in many cultures, particularly among the Celts to whom he was preaching. "Seamrog", the Gaelic word for shamrock, was not found in writing until the early 1700s, and the term "Wearing of the Green" came about when Queen Victoria tried to rule the acquired Ireland. Ninna saved every little piece of my life. These were concepts that the older cultures understood, and it was easy for them to adapt new beliefs into their own. Those memories are treasures, and I can't believe Ninna kept them all. Anyway, our mystery plant — the windowbox wood-sorrel, Red wood-sorrel,Oxalis articulata — is certainly not a clover species of any sort, nor is it a member of the bean family at all. The three-leafed O. regnelli variety has large heart-shaped leaves and small white flowers, while O. deppei features four leaves. The legend of the shamrock has the power to comfort and to inspire, and so do those little things that grandmothers save in big family Bibles. There is a yellowed brittle lined paper and on it, I must have held the leaf of the shamrock and pounded its green juices right into the paper. It gets its name from the oxalic acid content contained within the plant.
2020 wood sorrel vs shamrock