Contact me via social media for any questions, advice, prayer or just to say hello: Sadly we don’t have the vocabulary to use New Testament Greek as a spoken language, but the equivalent activity is reading the text, which is relatively short. New Testament, second and later of the two major divisions of the Christian Bible, and the portion that is canonical (authoritative) only to Christianity. ​ ‘. It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.’, Renewed: Wrap Up of Colossians 3:1-17 Bible Study, When Your Old Clothes Don’t Fit: Colossians 3:8-10, A Life Hidden in Christ: Colossians 3:3-4, Renewed: Putting on the New Self (A Study on Colossians 3:1-17), God can do amazing things with people who have shady pasts…And other lessons from #NewTestamentWriters, We can learn a lot from#NewTestamentWriters Here are some lessons from Matthew via @LindseyMBell, Back to Life {Memorizing Colossians 3:3-4}. She's currently working on completing her upcoming novel -visit for more on her Christian fiction work. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.”, God's will goes beyond anything we could ask or th, When we are rooted in God's love, we're rooted in, Through Christ we are given hope. God will use anyone – no matter his or her past – if they’re willing to be used by Him. Glorifying God at all times: We are called to glorify God in everything we say and do. ​(Bookma, God deserves the praise of thanksgiving, today and. Those who lived at the time of Jesus had the Old Testament as their divinely authoritative Scripture. But it... Colossians 3:23). The word that was translated as testament could also be translated as covenant; thus the New Testament is the new covenant. The New Testament. No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. Following is a list of just some of the life lessons that can be found in the New Testament. New Testament implications are explained in a way that add perspective to the more frequently discussed Old Testament commands. Hey there, welcome to Project Inspired. Pretty Creative WordPress Theme by, Pretty Darn Cute Design, As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. However, as we look at the New Testament, we can learn a number of things about the possibility of further Scriptures that would add to God’s revelation of Himself to humanity. Great, because I have the answer. What Is the New Testament? Christians see in the New Testament the fulfillment of the promise of the Old Testament. Once a hated tax collector   –   Then a disciple of Jesus, Once a man with a reputation for cheating and stealing – Then a man used by God to write the first book in our New Testament. Gaouette is the author of "The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch" and "Freeing Tanner Rose," Christian novels for teens and young adults. Following Jesus is always worth the cost. Presentation 2, “The Maze” (10:07), teaches that the New Testament can give us perspective on … Ladies, how much of the New Testament do you apply to your lives? The New Testament is a record of the life, teachings, and mission of Jesus Christ and the ministry of His disciples in promoting the spread of the early Christian Church. The reviews are in and Switched is a must-see movie for fall! Answer: Timothy was a young man who began traveling with Paul and Silas when they visited Lystra during the second missionary journey (Acts 16:1). It is remarkable to love and to be loved by Jesus. A number of important points … Here are 11 things that we can learn from the Apostle Paul. Ladies, God created everything, and in doing so, He designed everything to work together. When we do so we frequently discover the unexpected fact that New Testament writers seem unaware of the ‘rules’ so fervently taught by modern grammarians. But often we’re so focused on what we want out of life that we follow our own desires and not the will of God. My point is that everything we need to know about life and how to live it is given to us in these pages. Catch the Latest on TikTok and Instagram Reels! God can use ANYONE. The two consistently talk about their decision... Beloved Christian apologist, author and speaker Ravi Zacharias, 74, went to be with the Lord on May 19. Again, the above are just some of the lessons offered to us in the New Testament. Question: "What can we learn from what the Bible says about Paul and Timothy?" This publication will take you on a journey through time, from the Bible account of creation, to the birth and ministry of Jesus, and on to the Kingdom to come. You're not alone! Are you a Christian looking for direction? In a... During this season, we know that your social media feeds are likely full of negative images and stories, but there is hope out there.... Justin and Hailey Bieber have been increasingly vocal about their faith since they got married in 2018. A big, gorgeous white dress. Meet Simon the Zealot: Mystery Apostle. Matthew was a Jewish man appointed to collect taxes from his fellow Jews. It’s the New Testament that reminds us of which laws from the Old Testament are still relevant to our present-day lives and which ones have been replaced since the coming of our Lord. Our gifts and talents (like Matthew’s attention to detail) can be used for the good of the Kingdom if we’re willing to give them to God. The New Testament. And in working, we must do our best, giving our efforts to Him. Discussing any of these issues with your priest or pastor is a great way of getting a fuller understanding of what God wills for each of us. The lessons are clear in scripture. In that time period, the Romans appointed people to collect taxes from citizens. New Testament Video presentation 1, “Come unto Me“ (11:36), shows how studying the New Testament can help us learn more about the Savior and how He can help us in our lives. There’s no doubt that social media can sometimes be... Are you a morning person, or does your day usually start with the snooze button? She was born in Africa, brought up in London and is now living in New England with her husband and four children. Ladies, do you ever feel lost in your life? They don’t follow any particular order, and they’re certainly not the only lessons that can be learned. ​, This kindness definition tee is a bestseller! ... Well, I'm glad you asked. I reevaluated every word of that conversation, every hint of his body language,... Our country is in the middle of a battle between abortion activists and the horrors of killing unborn children, and the many people and... I’ve been having a lot of fun lately sharing videos on TikTok and Instagram Reels. Intro to Galatians: How to Be Free From the Burden of the Law. Do you want to pick up some new healthy habits but can't ever seem to find the time? The book of Matthew is full of Old Testament references (53 quotes and 76 other references, according to the NIV Life Application Study Bible). The New Testament. We are a community of believers who love God. He also provided a manual of sorts, called scripture, in which He shared ways in which we, His people, could take advantage of His gifts, live a Godly life and seek salvation. Gaouette is a freelance writer, ghostwriter, blogger and fiction novelist. The setting of the New Testament within the Christian community is one factor that makes a biography of Jesus or a history of the 1st-century church difficult or impossible. Timothy’s mother was Jewish, but his father was Greek, so he had not been circumcised even though he had been raised him to know and honor God (2 Timothy 1:5). But if you’ve taken the time to read the whole Bible, you will likely have a better picture of what God’s desire for all of us is. A New Testament Survey shows in the four Gospels (meaning Good News of Jesus Christ) that we can learn about the birth, ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus. We're here to inspire you to know that God created you for a wonderful purpose. You have gifts and talents from God that are unique to you, and we're here to guide you along the way. Check them out and share your thoughts! T.M. This film is full of laughs and Freaky Friday-esque fun. I remember telling my roommate every detail of my last date. Check them out and share your thoughts! Matthew is the writer of the biblical book that goes by his name. Devoted to Him, Gaouette is dedicated to glorifying God through her stories for teens and young adults. What Truths Can We Learn From the Bible About Depression? ​ While the Old Testament gives us the story of life before Christ and how God interacted with His people, it’s the New Testament that speaks directly to us about how to live our lives today. 1. Is the world consuming you? From Old Testament scripture to the New Testament, God has provided us with the answers on how to live our lives.
2020 what can we learn from the new testament