The important part is preparing the new planting area so its ready to receive your plants. I want to dig up the volunteer clump completely and move them to the alley side of the fence, and I didn’t get it done before winter came. Read This First! You can transplant raspberry canes in spring or fall. Want to Plant a Vegetable Garden? This can disturb the fruiting canes and reduce the crop size. Somehow when we moved a plant to this area a piece of raspberry cane came with it. Use the shovel to carefully dig mature raspberry plants or use the trowel to dig raspberry suckers. I haven’t lost a cane yet. The soil is heavy clay so it wasn’t long before my boots were clumped with soil. I will pot them up in containers for this year and watch to see if they have fire blight symptoms. Farmer Jim and I have been discussing needed changes to the garden. All Rights Reserved. Take care not to disturb the roots. Dig up raspberry canes in the spring before the growing season begins. The wind has blown some containers over and its time to get them cleaned up. Place the raspberry plants into the holes and spread the roots out in the holes. A thriving raspberry thicket will grow and expand over time, with new suckers growing in the soil around the parent plants. They continue to bear fruit for weeks. Mayne Island Seedy Saturday-How to Divide Perennials. Rake the soil surface smooth with the garden rake. I had to take advantage of a sunny day and get the plants out of the ground. Proceed with the move by planting the canes using the same method as you originally did for the mother plants. How Did Your Vegetable Garden Grow This Season? Farmer Jim and I have been discussing needed changes to the garden. The older canes I dug up had a grey hollow stem so it was easy to distinguish them from the new canes and know which stems to cut back. Hatter has also had publication on home improvement websites such as Redbeacon. If they do they will be discarded. Insert the tip of the shovel approximately six inches away from the raspberry plant and carefully push the shovel into the ground. The optimal transplanting time has to do with dormancy and how the plant stores and uses several kinds of sugars, including a reducing sugar. I am still waiting for the clothesline to be strung from end to end. Insert the tip of the shovel approximately six inches away from the raspberry plant and carefully push the shovel into the ground. The raspberry canes are planted in their new home. I love my jam. I know there are some broken roots left in the ground and I will get them later. So a new garden project has begun. I took the canes, cut off the old growth and was able to plant most of them in the raised bed above. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. Your email address will not be published. As a regular contributor to Natural News, many of Hatter's Internet publications focus on natural health and parenting. Sounds like you will have a full berry patch this summer. The new canes were produced last year and you can see new buds forming along the stems. :) Here (below) are examples of good pruning shears for pruning raspberry plants/canes, available for … I was able to see tiny eyes of new growth starting near the crown of the plants. Last fall Farmer Jim took down the flowering quince. I’m delighted to know that you can move them in the spring, as long as they haven’t started growing yet: I have a massive, messy and overgrown patch on one side of the garden and another clump of volunteers that have come under the back fence. Gently separate the new shoots, leaving a ball of soil around the root area. I think the plants in the front area will be dug up. It doesn’t hurt to remove the soil off of plant roots. The deck itself needs repainting. Sometimes gardeners need to transplant these new raspberry plants to different areas when growing room is an issue. The raised beds in the kitchen garden all have new soil in them. After the flowers finished blooming, they would dry up and many of the leaves would turn brown leaving ugly dead branches. We are battling horsetail in one corner of what was a flower garden. Its strong and will work for now. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! If you follow these easy steps for transplanting raspberries, over time, you will be able to have a raspberry patch as large as your heart desires, or your property will allow! Dig up raspberry canes in the spring before the growing season begins. Tiny green shoots are appearing at the soil level from new growth just beginning from the original plants. A better location with lots of sun, good air circulation, and well-draining soil can help produce lots more fruit. The late fall is also a good time to divide and transplant raspberry plants. Remove the raspberry plants from the soil and set them aside while you work on the rest of the plants to be transplanted. Do not cut back raspberry suckers at all. In the mean time I am using baling twine from the barn. Yes, we will build some more raised beds for this area. I still want a rounded edge to this garden as it’s the walkway along the water. Sometimes gardeners need to transplant these new raspberry plants to different areas when growing room is an issue. Use the garden spade to loosen the soil to a depth of approximately five inches. Required fields are marked *. Fill in the soil firmly around the plants. Prepare the new growing area by working the soil, if necessary. Do not divide and transplant after the plant actively begins to grow. If transplanting in the early spring, divide the plant as soon as the soil can be worked. Last fall Farmer Jim took down the flowering quince. Your email address will not be published. Work the shovel around the entire perimeter of the plant, pushing it into the soil to loosen the raspberry plant.
2020 transplanting raspberry canes