Sexes similar. Males have an orange middle to their stripe while females do not. At first glance a Dunnock but with a speckled chest like a thrush ? I guess a thrush but fatter than the images I can find. A pair of small sparrow-sized birds in my garden for just half a minute - too little to photograph them. Head has black hood and throat, sharply contrasting white eyebrow and cheek stripe, and yellow spot in front of eye. It is a North American species, breeding in central Canada and New England. Observation - Unidentified small white+grey bird white stripe on head - UK and Ireland. Juvenile: grey-brown and streaky all over., I’ve taken stills from a video, this was near Hassocks, Sussex in a large conifer tree. Grey-brown in colour they have a pale underbelly and a striking black and yellow stripe across their head. Find out more about the partnership, © The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) is a registered charity: England and Wales no. This bird is … Have never seen anything like them in my life before. Nearest I can find is White-Crowned Sparrow: but all the photos of those show a much more prominent black head striping than I saw: this was an altogether paler colouring: a winter juvenile perhaps? Seemed to hover almost humming-bird like for a moment by a window pane. Black bill, legs and feet. It forages unlike any other warbler by moving up and down the trunks of trees and crawling under and over branches in a style similar to that of a nuthatch. Identify a bird The RSPB bird identifier lists 406 species of birds found in the UK, including some rare overseas visitors. 16. The video I have is clearer - thanks for your help with identification -not able to get clearer picture sorry. Dunnock. A bit paler than that but perhaps a juvenile. In the UK, six species breed (plus one unrelated species in reedbeds); there are a few more in Europe and Asia, plus others in Africa and the Americas. Observation - Unidentified small white+grey bird white stripe on head - UK and Ireland. White-throated Sparrow. Black-and-white Warbler: Small, black-and-white striped warbler with a white median head stripe bordered by black. Description: A pair of small sparrow-sized birds in my garden for just half a minute - too little to photograph them. Note the stripes on the head and white throat. Lovely looking, very pale grey bodied with grey and white head in horizontal stripes, and a prominent white stipe back over the centre of the head. Female: grey-green head, breast and belly, dark grey wings and crossed bill. Is it like this? There are four subspecies, which, in general, become larger and brighter from north to south. Osprey: This large raptor has dark brown upperparts, white underparts, faint breast band, small white head with dark crown, eye stripe and bill, gray legs and feet. Soars on thermals, deep slow wing beats alternating with glides. Tits are small birds with plain or colourful plumages, stout legs and strong feet and short, triangular bills. Several species have crests. The A-Z bird guides include identifying features, nesting and feeding habits, examples of songs and calls, as well as the conservation status of each bird. Saw both my first-ever goldcrest and goldfinch recently - what a treat. You can view more detail on a particular bird by clicking the photo or by clicking the "View Detail" button. There was a small bird about the size of a robin, looked like a great tit but had a light almost grey ish breast. SC037654. Found: conifer woodland across most of the UK, often feeding high in the canopy. There are chestnut brown patches on side of the head below the eye. Lovely: first one I've ever seen. The throat and underparts are white, becoming buff on the flanks and with a grey breast. Quick moving, gone in moments.Two together. Tits are small birds with plain or colourful plumages, stout legs and strong feet and short, triangular bills. Black, white and pink above, and pale pink below, with a long, black-and-white tail, a white head, and a broad, black stripe above the eye. Description: A pair of small sparrow-sized birds in my garden for just half a minute - too little to photograph them. Would be intruigued to know if anyone knows what this was.~~~~~~~~~~~, AH.... think I've found it: might have been a juvenile long-tailed tit - this photo is quite like what I saw: Several species have crests. The ones I saw were only middle greys and white, nothing brownish at all (unless memory failing me). The chest is bright yellow with a black stripe running down. In the UK, six species breed (plus one unrelated species in reedbeds); there are a few more in Europe and Asia, plus others in Africa … Feeds mainly on fish. The Lark Sparrow is a small bird with distinctive head markings with white or pale brown stripe on the crown bordered by chestnut brown. Hi Shanta, I can't really make out much detail of the bird despite your helpful blue circle. ____________________________________________________________________, We spend 90% of net income on conservation, public education and advocacy, The RSPB is a member of BirdLife International. Young birds have a duller, indistinct head pattern, with buff stripes and a brown ground colour, and have streaked breasts. Black bill, legs, feet. There was a small bird about the size of a robin, looked like a great tit but had a light almost grey ish breast. Also a bit like this - the Clay-Coloured Sparrow: but again, there was not really any brown on the ones I saw, at all, while it is prominent in this photo. Some winter photos do look fairly similar, though always more brown on the wings than I saw. Black-throated Gray Warbler: Small warbler, black-marked, slate-gray upperparts, black streaks on flanks, white underparts. Results will be displayed below. These bird identification guides provide information about over 140 of the most common British birds including garden birds, birds of prey, shorebirds and waterfowl. The white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) is a species of passerine bird native to North America.A medium-sized member of the New World sparrow family, this species is marked by a grey face and black and white streaking on the upper head. I’ve taken stills from a video, this was near Hassocks, Sussex in a large conifer tree. Bird Id - Bird Identification by colour, size etc. However from your description it sounds like a Coal Tit. When spotting goldcrests, you can tell the gender by their colouring. 207076, Scotland no. It’s head was black with two white stripes on either side and a white stripe going down the back of its head which great tits don’t have. It has similar plumage to a blue tit but with a distinctive black head and white cheeks. Lovely looking, very pale grey bodied with grey and white head in horizontal stripes, and a prominent white stipe back over the centre of the head. It nests either on the ground under shrubs or low in trees in deciduous or mixed forest areas. Other species that visit gardens include carrion crows, magpies, jackdaws, collared doves, dunnocks, wrens, song thrushes, greenfinches, coal tits, swifts, house martins, and green and great spotted woodpeckers. Common crossbill (Loxia curvirostra)Male: rosy red head, breast and belly, dark grey wings and characteristic crossed bill. It’s head was black with two white stripes on either side and a white stripe going down the back of its head which great tits don’t have. Another small bird, the dunnock is brownish grey in colour and quiet in nature. It breeds in brushy areas in the taiga and tundra of the northernmost parts of the continent and in the Rocky Mountains and Pacific coast. Wings are dark with two white bars. There was a small bird about the size of a robin, looked like a great tit but had a light almost grey ish breast. They are social, often in mixed flocks, but territorial when nesting. It’s head was black with two white stripes on either side and a white stripe going down the back of its head which great tits don’t have. In winter, it migrates to the southern USA. Lovely looking, very pale grey bodied with grey and white head in horizontal stripes, and a prominent white stipe back over the centre of the head. Wings held at a distinct angle in flight, under wing showing barred flight feathers and diagnostic dark patches on the fore wing. I’ve taken stills from a video, this was near Hassocks, Sussex in a large conifer tree.
2020 small uk bird with white stripe on head