10:1 dual speed focus allows you to make larger adjustments to focus in the normal manner, and then use the fine focus knob for smaller tweaks that are so critical to producing a sharp final image. Next time out I will do some long exposures with the Baader. Captured calibrated and combined with Maxim and finished in PS. I thought it was the TS that came with the wider tube and monorail focuser (quite a bit more expensive. 2" DUAL-SPEED LINEAR POWER FOCUSER: The new linear power focuser moves the drawtube using rollers rather than a rack and pinion for smooth precise focus adjustment. It was a shot of the Cocoon which I think came out very good (link to the processed picture (Explorer 254 SW CC)http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13559902/cocoon%2095%25%20stars%201st.jpg. It's probably a bit easier to put a heating strip on a lens than on a mirror - but this is a minor thing. This was found plate solving the images. All with an unmodded Nikon - excellent. But as a novice in this area (200mm/F4) thanks for the STUNNING images. Yeah, I found that interesting too, since that is the CC I have as well. Skywatcher QUATTRO-10S 250 mm f/4 Imaging Newtonian with parabolic Pyrex Mirror The new QUATTRO Newtonian Telescopes from Skywatcher with the fast f/4 focal ratio are ideal for astrophotography with short exposure times. 8" F4 Quattro and GSO newts on M33 first light review. Not that the current CC is bad - it seems to work OK, but smaller stars and absolutely zero coma is always welcome. But they also deliver a good image quality for observing moon and planets. Very impressive. The Sky-Watcher Quattro 10" (254 mm) Imaging Newtonian OTA is a great optical tube assembly for either visual astronomy or astro-imaging work. 107,67 EUR* * excl.Shipping costs. I needed to use some shims to get the 55mm spacing between chip and the back end of the focuser and it still wasn't quite right. Great post - thanks for the images. Some of those wisps are extremely feint and dont even respond well to a dedicated CCD camera (I was just processing a pic of the same area) but the Quattro+Nikon has come up trumps there for you! My camera is not modded, but the fast f3.6 is helping to get a bit of red after all. As for Bern; he told me he was gonna stop doing the stock version, but it's still on his site I'll give him what-for when I see him at PSP, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Unfortunately, being OSC and having small pixels it isn't the most sensitive of chips. The optical center is not far from the physical center. Processed in PS CS5. He was surprised of the reduction of the CC and spoke to Skywatcher. About 3 years ago I bought an F4 GSO newtonian with similar design features which I have hardly used and was interested to compare the 2 scopes. It is the full imaging spec with larger secondary and Baader SteelTrack focuser. They say the CC is not made for the Quattro, and that they are working on releasing a coma corrector specifically made for the Quattro - very interesting indeed. I didn't need to adjust focus with either scope. It's in the top 3 bestselling reflector telescopes and has dozens of popular alternatives in the same price range, such as Celestron AstroFi or Meade StarNavigator NG.. SkyWatcher Quattro Imaging was released last year in … Great post Heine, and a big welcome to SGL! I was considering getting one at one point, but apparently when you get much faster than f4 then narrowband filters stop responding as expected. Here is my first light test of the Quattro. A cold winters night outside would be a different matter. The Quattro seems to be a very nice teleskope. 1 hour 40 minutes using 10 minutes subs ISO800. Again 10 minutes subs ISO800. This was almost certainly down to the rings since it never occurs with other scopes. Both coma correctors are performing reasonably well, but it turns out the Skywatcher corrector is acting as a 0.9 reducer giving resulting in a fast f3.6 system. The primary was a nightmare to collimate and didn't stay in position. Stacked in DeepSky Stacker using the median method. A 2" dual-speed 10:1 ratio focuser is included for excellent focusing precision. The GSO wasn't thrashed at all and optically was the equal of the Quattro. Fast Newtonians like this will inevitably be affected by coma. Have invested in Bob's knobs for the secondary, now need to work a LOT on the (rather useless!) I am very interested to see that the Skywatcher CC reduces the tube by 0.9. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13559902/cocoon%2095%25%20stars%201st.jpg. For obvious reasons, I'm glad the GSO wasn't totally "thrashed" by the Quattro? TBH, I have wondererd about the suitability of the Skywatcher CC and the Quattro.
2020 skywatcher quattro 10 review