Hardwood floors offer your home a clean and modern appearance. It can take time to remove black stains from hardwood floors — even ones you are cleaning on a regular basis. It should be noted that dying/staining a maple floor is a special process that costs more than ordinary refinishing, but achieves a very beautiful result for those that want to have a dark floor, but are living with a maple floor. Well, let me show you how to easily darken stain without stripping the table or any other piece of stain wood, this includes hardwood flooring as well. In this project we transformed oil-based covered white oak and red birch hardwood flooring with dark stain Bona Espresso. Instead of replacing them altogether, though, you could change the color of your hardwood floors by staining… Then it has to be re-sealed in new gloss. If you've got hardwood floors that are finished too lightly, darkening the floors will take some work, and is a lot more complicated than re-painting a wall a darker color. It is simple to deal with any regular stain before it penetrates the surface finish and dries in the wood, but difficult dark stains require unique methods for removal. A finished floor has to be stripped of all existing gloss and stain and taken down to bare wood before being re-stained a darker shade. Step 1: Lightly Hand Sand Using a light grit sanding block, lightly hand sand the entire surface of the wood piece that you would like to darken. If your hardwood floors have undergone some wear and tear over the years, it may be time to upgrade them.
2020 staining hardwood floors darker