The original Romney Marsh sheep were developed on low lying land in Kent and Sussex, adjoining the English Channel. Originally from the marshy area of Kent, along the south coast of England, an area often swept by harsh winds and heavy rainfall with abundant lush forage. The History of the Romney. History; Rugs; Romney History; Sheep Health; Recessive Color; News & Views; Links; Contact Us; Romney History. The Romney Sheep Breeders Society represents the interests of Romney breeders across the UK, offering registration and marketing services to pedigree and commercial breeders alike. They have a docile temperment making them easy to handle. A Brief History: Romney Sheep trace their orgins back to sheep known as the Romney Marsh sheep originating from the Romney Marsh in Kent, England. The History of the American Romney. History. Romney sheep originate from the English lowland from east coast of Kent and Sussex where it can be wet and boggy. See article in wikipedia on Romney (sheep), written mostly by Stephen Shafer in 2008. and since lightly edited quite often. Romney Origin – History The Romney (originally called Romney Marsh) is one of the oldest known sheep breeds, with its origins having been traced back more than 700 years to the 13th Century and possibly earlier. The Romney (originally called Romney Marsh) is one of the oldest known sheep breeds, with its origins having been traced back more than 700 years to the 13th century and possibly earlier. I did not supply all the pictures for it.. Natural-colored Romneys in Devon, England photo: Angela Doughty. Its origin lies with the old, established dual purpose Romney Marsh breed which was improved with Leicester blood in the nineteenth century. They are a hearty breed that is well adapted to wet damp climates and resistant to hoof rot. The Romney sheep have beautiful lusterous fleeces. It is also high yielding and easily spun. The history of Romney Marsh is essentially the story of reclamation of land from the sea, the ongoing battle to drain it and to keep the sea from reclaiming it back. Conditions of climate and geography led to development of a breed resistant to foot rot and fleeces that remain healthy in harsh weather. The Romney fleece is unique among all breeds of sheep in the way it combines several important traits. The fleece is lustrous; it hangs in separate locks, with minimal cross fibers between the locks. Romney ewes and rams provide outstanding options and benefits for discerning sheep producers. Often swept with harsh winds and heavy rainfall, the Kent landscape is abundant with lush forage. Throughout the centuries all this was happening, life on the Marsh was centred around sheep, smuggling and defending England from invasion. Uniformity of crimp from the butt to the tip of a lock is also typical of the breed. The American Romney traces its beginnings to the marshy area of Kent in England.
2020 romney sheep history