Rather, a true revolution had taken place in the hearts of those people. The Mosque is located on a motorway en route to the Oslo Airport. [3] For the entire Norwegian nation it was, and remains, a day of deep sorrow and grief. The Arabic word for “mosque” is ‘Masjid’, and in English it is translated as ‘Mosque’. Because of this, he had unparalleled love for all humanity in his heart. I have already sent my condolences to the Norwegian Government; as the respected Defence Minister has already mentioned, however, I would like to take this opportunity to once again express the heartfelt condolences of myself and every Ahmadi Muslim throughout the world, to the families of the victims, to your Government and indeed to the entire Norwegian nation. At that time, the Muslims continued to face bitter cruelty and many sacrificed their lives in this cause, and still they continued with their magnificent show of patience. all mosques.  Every mosque has a mihrab, a niche in the wall that indicates Hence, they even instructed that trees should not be felled nor damaged during or after a war, no matter whether the tree was a fruit bearing or normal tree. Keeping in mind these excellent teachings, how can anyone allege that Islam’s teachings usurp the rights of people and encourage terrorism? If we objectively analyse the meaning of these verses that I have just narrated, then the circumstances faced by the Muslims at the time becomes clearly evident. The Norwegian Government was represented by Mrs. Grete Faremo, the Defence Minister. This is because our master the Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw), instructed all Muslims that to offer thanks was a virtue and indeed essential. The fields below are optional but the E-mail field will be necessary should you forget your password. However, after due consideration based on his studies and research, he came to be very positively influenced by the teachings of Islam and in particular he was compelled to praise its kind treatment of slaves and prisoners of war. This proves that you are open-minded and enlightened people. Yet, in the face of such desperate circumstances the Muslims continued to display total patience, and they did so due to the instructions of the Holy Prophet(saw). You will receive a new password shortly. Saheeh Al-Bukhari.  Me is taken to mean - my nation. Certainly, God Almighty is pleased when His Creation show love to one another. A masjid (mosque) is the building in which Muslims ibadah (worship) ALLAH Almighty. However, before proceeding to that, I would like to speak of that horrific tragedy that occurred here in Norway just a few months ago, on 22 July 2011. Therefore, I will say once again that my expression of thanks to all of you is not a mere ritual or convention, but instead, the gratitude I am expressing emanates from the depths of my heart. Further, from the depths of my heart, I would like to respectfully offer my most sincere and deep condolences over the tragedy that took place, in which so many innocent people lost their lives. For example, they very strictly instructed that no harm should come to any place of worship, to any priest or religious leader, to any woman, to any child or any elderly person. columns or a system of horizontal beams supported by architraves.  In other He taught that the circumstances that exist today do not permit religious wars to be fought. I found this website very helpful and gave me all the answers I needed for my homework. History bears true witness to the fact that both in the time of the Holy Prophet(saw) and in the eras of the rightly guided four Khulafa (the Successors who came after him), they adopted very strict rules of engagement, wherever the circumstances for defensives wars arose. A total of 2250 worshippers can offer prayers simultaneously in this Mosque. A reception was organised in the evening in which dignitaries, prominent personalities, professionals, neighbours and local residents were all invited by the Ahmadiyya Community. When news of the success of the Muslims and their peaceful living conditions reached Makkah, the disbelievers decided to wage war on the Muslims of Madinah. are totally unrelated. Tragically, there are many opponents of Islam who are actively seeking to defame its pure name and are consumed by spreading false propaganda that, God forbid, the Holy Qur’an promotes bloodshed and teachings of terrorism. and wood.  The more classical designs are referred to as arabesque, and they square prayer area.  It often takes the form of a flat roof supported by Those who have been driven out from their homes unjustly only because they said, ‘Our Lord is Allah’ – And if Allah did not repel some men by means of others, there would surely have been pulled down cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques, wherein the name of Allah is oft commemorated. Regarding this permission, the Holy Qur’an states: Permission to fight is given to those against whom war is made, because they have been wronged – and Allah indeed has power to help them. The word “mosque” was introduced into the English This web site has several customizations made specifically for you, such as: your favorites, your history, marking articles you have previously viewed, listing articles published since your last visit, To help you understand I shall refer to the literal lexical definition of the word. The transcript of the keynote address of the evening delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V(aba), Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is presented below. In the same way, being cruel or unjust to even one person is akin to being cruel and unjust to all of mankind.
2020 purpose of a mosque