Philolaus believed there was a "Counter-Earth" (Antichthon) orbiting the "Central Fire" (not labeled) that was not visible from Earth. And the Earth follows nearly in the footsteps of its older cousin and will be there in 1.5 billion years time.” MIT physics professor Sara Seager looks for possible chemical combinations that could signal the presence of alien life. A new analysis of data from NASA’s Kepler spacecraft increases the number of habitable exoplanets thought to exist in this galaxy. Kepler-452b resides 1,400 light-years from Earth. “This is the closest thing that we have to another planet like the Earth. There is no speech nor are there words; their voice is not heard.” Undoubtedly, there are other planets in our own galaxy and in billion other galaxies, but the reason why God created man on Earth from the dust of the ground (Genesis 2:7) is because it is the only planet in the entire universe wherein human life will comfortably fit. The upper illustration depicts Earth at night while the lower one depicts Earth in the day. MIT astronomer Sara Seager, is a McArthur Genius Fellow and leader in the scientific race to find another Earth in the near future. Kepler's newest planetary find joins a pantheon of planets with similarities to Earth. While it can't be confirmed just yet if there is extraterrestrial life since the host star could radiate unbearable heat onto the planet, the researchers do think it could be possible since the "one-in-a-million discovery" is about one-third of about 4,000 planets spotted up to this point that has a rocky-like environment or a similar orbit like the Earth. At 1.6 times the size of Earth, Kepler-452b has a "better than even chance" of being rocky, its discoverers have said.
2020 is there another earth