My wife doesn’t like being touched by me any longer. It feels like she has lost interest in you and in the relationship. Just because you love your girlfriend and feel attached to her doesn’t mean she will be able to satisfy you sexually. For the first half of our relationship she was an enthusiastic lover and willing to try new things. This whole issue came on gradually. As you worry about losing your girl… you think back to the good times you had. We aim to please! Friends included! She is the kindest, sweetest, most understanding, and loving person I have ever known. I don’t think she has some hang up as it’s not been a problem in the past. But lately i ‘ve found myself having dreams of past sexual flames, more often being my first love, who I lost my virginity to and nevr had issues pleasing me in that sense, but otherwise became a lying, cheating psycholoserwhat do I do, I don’t wantto lose him, he otherwise perfect, but I’m not sexually fulfilled. My girlfriend and love of my life have been together for over 3 years and have known each other for much longer. Tell her what you want and how you want it. If she's having orgasms (you should be able to tell with 100% certainty when it happens) and she says that she's happy and satisfied with your sex-life, I … The memories Being a bachelor for all those years, I got used to masturbating. I have been divorced for over twenty years now and finally found my hearts true love. Chris, my lady has turned against me and doesn’t want me sexually. So I'm 19 and my girl is 18, we've been together two years and 6 months in we started having sex, she started birth control a year ago and doesn't get turned on, (what she told me I … 4. You are afraid that she doesn’t want to be your girlfriend anymore. Doctor, please help me! Yet, if she doesn’t touch other guys on the chest, but does it to you, then it’s her unconsciously and sometimes consciously trying to tell you that she is sexually interested in you. She is very sexual, and therein lies our (My) only problem. Your girlfriend has become very cold and distant lately. “It took me nearly two months to have sex with my husband when I met him,” Kinrys says. Posted by: Tegan | 2016/02/18. There is no need to punish yourself here or drag this on longer than you need to. Trust me, if you say something like "This is what really gets me hot and heavy" then if he is a boyfriend worth his salt he will do that! If she touches every guy on the chest and caresses every guy’s chest, then it doesn’t mean anything for you, or it means that she wants to bang everyone. Every girl is different, and thus needs to communicate her needs and desires to her partner in a continuous and insistent manner. A lot of men feel as though they’re trapped in a prison when they’re forced to make love to a woman they’re no longer attracted to. Something feels wrong. You can't keep her around and then live a lie, it's not right. No prostitutes! Almost a year ago I broke down and told her that I wasn't happy with our sex life. I became a sex god to please my wife. Now she won’t let me do the thing she loves most.
2020 i love my girlfriend but she doesn't satisfy me sexually