Scientists have had positive results using aged black garlic on rodents in reducing inflammation and possibly reversing damage caused by alcohol on the liver. Even if the liver can heal itself, too much alcohol can damage it permanently. In Tibetan medicine, garlic is known as a tonic and prophylactic medicinal substance against quite a number of infectious diseases. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals. If you suffer from liver disease, there is hope. Chop the garlic and add the alcohol. Garlic vodka still enjoys popularity in Russia. 2. Put it in a bowl and add diluted alcohol (300 g). Leave the mixture to infuse for 1 week. Heal Liver from Alcohol Damage. Garlic has been used medicinally for thousands of years -- by ancient Egyptians, gravediggers in the Middle Ages who believed it protected them from black plague, and World War I and World War II soldiers who took it to ward off gangrene. There are many recipes of this “anti-flu beverage”, but it mainly comes to several cloves of garlic added to a mixture of vermouth, vodka, gin and brandy. Alcohol is currently recognized as the most prevalent known cause of abnormal human development. You will need 1 kg of garlic and 0.5 liters of alcohol diluted to 40 degrees. Many of you know about the benefits of garlic, but I just want to mention the overall benefits of this amazing garlic drink.. Clean one head of garlic, cut each clove.
2020 garlic and alcohol benefits