We have certain needs to survive (oxygen, food, etc). However, be forewarned that temperatures are likely able to soar as high as 21,000º Fahrenheit. There are several theories as to how your planet’s flagship landmark came to be. If you enjoyed the gleaming silver Moon on Earth, how would you like 62 Moons? In other words, if the rings were scaled down to the size of a piece of standard paper, the paper would be 10,000 times thicker than the rings! That is not a typo; diamond rain. The result is millions of tiny diamond raindrops showering your planet, like a cosmic Jay Z music video. It takes just over 10 hours for Saturn to completely rotate all the way around just once. Not bad! And, like the other gaseous planets, you technically could not live on Saturn, simply because it has no solid surfaces. So, you are thinking of living on Saturn? Pluto Size, Composition, Distance from Sun, Planet Mercury Facts: Exploring the Solar System’s Smallest Planet, Double-Slit Experiment – The Strange World of Quantum Mechanics. Using proper technology, you will want to have a well-protected dome structure that can float in the ringed planet’s upper atmosphere. So, on the bright side, two-day shipping on Saturn’s version of Amazon would technically be completed within a single Earth day! Saturn is what we call a “gas giant.” It is a planet made up most of hydrogen and helium. Instead, your only substantial heat source is your interior and core. A single one of your new years is the same as 29 years on your previous planet. A newborn with a slim physique and decent vertical? A Surprising Answer. Not really. Given the radically different conditions, depending on where you are, things could get a bit unpleasant. But, let’s put that idea aside, assume that we are equipped with technologies needed to survive, and inspect your new home. It is thought that there might be some habitable chunks out there in orbit around Saturn’s neighbor gas giant. Many people don’t realize that there are other planets (and moons) which also have rings. There are five planets between Saturn and then sun (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and Jupiter). At least, fast compared to Earth. Scientists theorize that there might be a solid core somewhere deep inside the giant. Rather, it is a frigid world full of surprise and treachery. Now, it’s time to explore. Plus, your new planet has a mysterious, but fascinating hexagon shape on its north pole. (It takes Earth 24 hours, and Earth is much, much smaller). The multiple rings are composed almost entirely of water ice chunks. Your email address will not be published. And today’s question is, “Can humans live on Saturn?“. Send us your questions via out contact form and we’ll answer them in a future article. Even though Saturn is a frozen world, sitting 887 million miles from the Sun, its core is scorching hot. In fact, you now get to enjoy the second largest Moon in the solar system, Titan. So, we recommend electing to tough it out in the frozen exterior! Despite your short days and nights, your new year is much longer now. So if you were thinking that you might one day take a space trip to Saturn and land on the surface of this beautiful planet…..yeah, not going to happen. Required fields are marked *. That is, unless you still want to argue about whether Pluto is a planet. Regardless, if you see one attraction in your first year on Saturn, make it the rings! Want to know more about the habitability of Saturn? This means that there is no solid surface on Saturn, Well, that we know of, anyway. Others think it may be leftover debris from the original formation of our solar system’s planets over four billion years ago. Astonishingly, the rings stretch out for 240,000 miles, but are only around 30 feet thick. Although your night is now much shorter like your day, you are in for some spectacular treats. However, living on Saturn is not as glitzy and glamorous as it may seem. Google’s AI Duplex is going to behave like Humans, Is Skillshare Worth It? (Rather than a moon, asteroid, space station, etc). You were afraid of being “over the hill,” now you’re a baby. It is one of the eight known planets in our solar system. Do you ever find yourself thinking, “I wish this year would last 29 times as long?” Would you delight in being surrounded by mysterious paper-thin rings of ice chunks, and showered by girl’s best friend? eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'thetechseer_com-box-4','ezslot_2',105,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'thetechseer_com-box-4','ezslot_3',105,'0','1'])); When I say “inhospitable,” I mean, that aside from the lack of solid space to be, the planet isn’t a good place for humans. Plus, if you remembered to bring your telescope along, you now have constant access to truly dark skies, optimal for observing. We could possibly, one day, construct habitats on one of Saturn’s moons but on the planet itself, gravity would prohibit this. I hate to break this to you, but the answer is probably no.
2020 can you live on saturn