The outbreak in olive trees in Southern Italy, as well as the presence of the bacterium in Mediterranean plant species in the natural and urban landscapes of Southern Italy (Puglia), Corsica and Southern France, Islas Baleares and mainland Spain represent a significant change in its geographical distribution and constitute a major risk to many plant species in the EPPO region. ), and oleander (Nerium oleander). Donato Boscia, CNR - Institute for Sustainable Distribution of Xylella fastidiosa in oaks in Florida and its association with growth decline Quercus laevis. You can now claim your publications on CAB Direct with your ORCID iD! France, the Netherlands, Switzerland) have intercepted several times X. fastidiosa on coffee plants imported for ornamental purposes from South America. Transmission of X. fastidiosa by insects does not require an incubation period in the vector and the bacteria are persistently transmitted. In 1994, it was first noticed in Asia, in Taiwan causing leaf scorch on Asian pear (Pyrus pyrifolia). X. fastidiosa is not transmitted transovarially to the progeny of the vector. Camille Picard The distribution below is given for Xylella fastidiosa on all host plants (maps for subspecies are under preparation). Acer rubrum, Platanus occidentalis, Quercus rubra, Ulmus americana), other wild plants and weeds. For many years, X. fastidiosa remained confined to the Americas. A new distribution map is provided for Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al. CAB Direct is the most thorough and extensive source of reference in the applied life sciences, In 1994, it was first noticed in Asia, in Taiwan causing leaf scorch on Asian pear (Pyrus pyrifolia).In the 2000s, it was also reported causing Pierce's disease in some Taiwanese vineyards. Donato Boscia, CNR - Institute for Sustainable X. fastidiosa is thought to originate from the American continent. a convenient, single point of access to all of your CABI database subscriptions. Find out more about this exciting new development, Using our new visualization tools you can, Using our new highlighting and annotation tool you can, remove selected records that are not saved in My CABI, sign you out of your Since then the disease has also been found in other provinces of Puglia (Lecce, Taranto, Brindisi and Bari), as well as in numerous other host plants (mainly ornamentals). wild grasses, sedges, lilies, various bushes and trees). Plant Protection, UOS, Bari (IT), Affected olive (Olea europaea) orchard Plant Disease 90(1), p 108. Plant Protection, UOS, Bari (IT), Leaf scorch on almond (Prunus dulcis) Franco Nigro, Dipartimento di Scienze del Suolo, della Pianta e degli Alimenti, Università degli Studi di Bari (IT)  – Antonio Guario, Plant Protection Service, Regione Puglia (IT), First reports of Xylella fastidiosa in the EPPO region. The introduction pathways of X. fastidiosa into Asia or Europe are unknown. Finally, X. fastidiosa has been detected in many ornamentals (e.g. Cistus, Lavandula, Myrtus, Nerium oleander, Rosmarinus, Spartium) growing in urban and natural environments.  Persistent petioles. The bacterium has also been reported on other fruit crops: e.g. In the EPPO region, the finding in Puglia (Southern Italy) represented the first confirmed detection in Europe. Bacteria colonize the insect foregut but do not systemically colonize the insect body. In all infected areas in Italy, France and Spain, phytosanitary measures aiming at the eradication or containment of the disease are being taken. As Xylella fastidiosa represents a very serious threat for the EPPO region, the EPPO Secretariat intends to provide on this page a brief description of the pathogen, as well as an easy access to specific EPPO data and other useful resources. In Islas Baleares and Spain, the bacterium has been detected to a lesser extent in almond orchards but Prunus species are also economically important hosts. 82:569-572. American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), American white elm (Ulmus americana), liquidambar (Liquidambar styraciflua), oaks (Quercus spp. Both nymphs and adults can acquire the bacteria by feeding on the xylem fluid of an infected plant and transmit the pathogen to healthy plants immediately after acquisition. Plant Protection, UOS, Bari (IT), Severely affected olive (Olea europaea) orchard pauca and subsp. Globally, the main economic hosts are grapevine (Vitis vinifera, V. labrusca, V. riparia), citrus (Citrus spp., Fortunella), almond (Prunus dulcis), olive (Olea europaea), peach (P. persica), coffee (Coffea spp. J. Clark - University of California, Berkeley (US), Graphocephala atropunctata World distribution of X. fastidiosa (yellow: present – purple: transient) –  map generated in 2018-07, Copyright ©2020 EPPO. In Italy, recent experiments have shown that Philaenus spumarius (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) can transmit the disease from olive tree to olive tree. morus (on mulberry). * Singh R, Ferrin DM, Huang Q (2010) First report of Xylella fastidiosa associated with oleander leaf scorch in Louisiana. In Southern France, X. fastidiosa subsp. sandyi (on Nerium oleander), subsp. Countries in orange: bacterium present; countries in purple: bacterium transient. Healthy olive orchard in Spain – Matteo Maspero (IT), EPPO Standards and information material on Xylella fastidiosa, Symptoms of X. fastidiosa on olive trees in Puglia (Southern Italy). Xylella fastidiosa has a wide plant host range and spectrum of insect species capable of serving as vectors which should increase the bacterium's invasiveness and make it difficult to prevent introduction via live plants from the tropical or subtropical Americas. per la Frutticoltura, Rome (IT), Leaf scorch on Vaccinium J. Clark - University of California, Berkeley (US), Peach phony disease Symptoms can be confused with those caused by other biotic or abiotic factors. For many years, X. fastidiosa remained confined to the Americas. Extensive online help - available wherever you are in CAB Direct. Donato Boscia, CNR - Institute for Sustainable In November 2016, X. fastidiosa subsp. In July 2015, the bacterium (X. fastidiosa subsp. If you would like to, you can learn more about the cookies we use. multiplex and X. fastidiosa subspecies pauca in numerous plant species including wild and cultivated olive, almond, plum, cherry, grapevine, oleander and Mediterranean plants. In Puglia, the subspecies which has been detected is X. fastidiosa subsp. Like most websites we use cookies. In this glasshouse, all plants were destroyed in February 2017 and no further detections of the bacterium were made during intensive surveys conducted in the glasshouse and its surroundings.
2020 xylella fastidiosa distribution map