Why I chose Architecture (or how it chose me) When I was younger I remember walking through the Ferry Building Marketplace with my family and thinking to myself how great it was to see a landmark building adapted into a multiuse space. Why I chose to study Architecture Meet Sean Hendley. I chose to study architecture because I love to design and draw things. Architects typically tend to think about architecture all the time, I know I … Architecture is the Art of Self-Expression – Each architectural piece is a creative representation of the thoughts and hopes of the designer. Ever since I was a old enough to pick up a crayon, I loved to draw. I am working on my final project while figuring out my very first decision on studying architecture. That's why I want to study to be an architect. So, why should you choose a Microservices architecture? You shouldn't choose any career path that you don't want to.And when you ask why should I choose it, it implies that you don't want to choose it. He can be found outfitted on his road bike, backpacking through one of California's beautiful parks, cooking over an open fire, or gazing at the stars above. Brandon Donnelly is an architect-trained and tech-obsessed real estate developer who runs an insightful daily blog for city builders. I thought that it would be cool to study what being and architect was like. SAN FRANCISCO  |  LOS ANGELES  |  SACRAMENTO. It’s not a Job, It’s a Lifestyle. Drawing is one of my happy places and it lets me express myself as an individual. 45th Anniversary Retrospective-Part IV: Seeking a Larger World, 45th Anniversary Blog Series Part III: Recovering from the Loma Prieta earthquake; a New Life on the Waterfront, 45th Anniversary Blog Series Part II: The San Francisco Downtown Plan and a Really Big Earthquake. In his spare time, Jon loves to spend it outdoors. Architecture is frozen music (see Goethe). Before joining NUA to study Architecture, Sean embarked on a career in fashion communication, spending a few years in industry working for the likes of Dazed Media and AnOther Magazine, but felt like he was missing out on something. Believe it or not, I don't pay attention to buildings even You love Projects. This experience was one of a few moments that I would have that led me to pursue architecture, and is depicted in one of my very first school projects. Of course it’s important to meet the needs and expectations of your clients, but the … Originally from Oakland, Jon hopes to bridge the vast differences in society through architecture and design. Why I chose Architecture (or how it chose me) When I was younger I remember walking through the Ferry Building Marketplace with my family and thinking to myself how great it was to see a landmark building adapted into a multiuse space. Architecture is like a grain of sand, and within every grain of sand is eternity (see Blake). An architect is not just a person that makes buildings. These guidelines showed how Adaptive Reuse could have a positive impact on a neighborhood, reinvigorating a building that once only served a single purpose into something that serves the community in multiple ways. Page & Turnbull was not only present in the renovation that happened from 1998 to 2003, but also produced Design Guidelines in 1978 that would be used for future changes. Architects typically tend to think about architecture all the time, I know I do. Little did I know that a decade later I would be working for the firm that played a key role in the redevelopment of the Ferry Building. Unlike traditional colleges where you must slog yourself in study halls and libraries, reading and writing all the time, a course in Architecture gives you … If the impact your work can have on the people of one family, community or city isn’t enough, here are four more reasons to study architecture as an international student: 1. When I was younger I remember walking through the Ferry Building Marketplace with my family and thinking to myself how great it was to see a landmark building adapted into a multiuse space. Here are 10 reasons why you should study architecture in school. The building immediately became successful after reopening and provided a path for which other Adaptive Reuse projects could follow. Architects do not get bored in university. I constantly think of the Ferry Building as a way to think outside the box and to open up new ideas otherwise not thought of. Architecture school is difficult, but it is also a very fun and … Like the Ferry Building, the Exploratorium became successful right after reopening at their new location. Apologies if this is just an unfounded assumption on my part.. A course in Architecture is a lot of fun. I know almost nothing about this new field that I am going into, and in some cases, you can say, I am afraid of the unexpected future in doing architecture. We’ve also worked with EHDD on the Exploratorium at Pier 15 in converting a historic pier and warehouse into a public educational museum. He is someone that influences others by his amazing imagination and creativity, one that designs structures out of the ordinary to make people comfortable in their environment. Architecture IS Love. Architecture is everything. 1. Standing in the marketplace I was struck by the opening in the floor above, revealing the exposed steel-framed Beaux Arts style architecture which allowed natural light to flow into the space.
2020 why i chose architecture