He does so by eliminating all the arguments against this plan. What does Caliban think Trinculo is? Draw thy sword" Why didn't Sebastian kill Alonso? Though Sebastian does inquire of Antonio whether his conscience bothers him, he … Ariel sings in Gonzalo's ear and Gonzalo wakes up. feast. who wakes Gonzolo in the nick of time. Alonso 's brother. In addition, he says that Claribel, Alonso's daughter, is too far away to interfere: What does this tell about Antonio's motives? triculo mistakes caliban for a large. Antonio, still hoping to kill Alonso, whispers to Sebastian that Alonso’s exhaustion and desperation will provide them with the perfect opportunity to kill the king later that evening. Why does Caliban take up with Stephano and Trinculo? what is ariels purpose of the feast. At this point “solemn and strange music” fills the stage (III.iii. Sebastian is easily persuaded by Antonio to try to murder his brother so that he can become king. alonso and company are surprised by a magically appearing . Why kill these two and not the others? (c) (i) Stephano is Alonso’s butler. (iv) Antonio finally convinces Sebastian to kill Alonso and Gonzalo and become the King of Naples. rish. act 2. What could Shakespeare be saying about human nature? Sebastian said, "As though gotst Milan,/ I'll come by Naples. Antonio is Prospero's brother, who betrayed him to have the dukedom; Sebastian is younger brother to King Alonso of Naples, and is interested in stealing Alonso's throne. They work well together because Sebastian is prone to fooling around in a mean-spirited way and Antonio earns Sebastian's trust and respect by also being a horrible human being. (v) Ariel at that moment sings in Gonzalo’s ear and awakens him, thus preventing Antonio and Sebastian from doing what they had planned. What is their plan, and what happens to it? He meets them in the woods and mistakes the drunken Stephano for a god. Asked by allie o #275539 on 10/31/2012 5:48 PM Last updated by jj m #729701 on 12/6/2017 2:57 PM Answers 4 Add Yours. Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, Gonzalo, and their companion lords become exhausted, and Alonso gives up all hope of finding his son. He means that what happened in the past creates the future events. Antonio and Sebastian want to kill Alonso and Gonzalo so that they can be King and the King's advisor. Antonio suggested that Sebastian should kill Alonso while he was asleep. What does Sebastian's response tell us about him? Answered by jill d #170087 on 10/31/2012 … who does stephano call by the name "mooncalf" caliban. They say there are lions and bulls. why does antonio want sebastian to kill king alonso. What does Stephano think Trinculo and Caliban together are? Antonio himself intends to kill Alonso. Ariel awoke Gonzalo and Alonso. Caught standing with swords drawn, what do Antonio and Sebastian say to cover their betrayal? What does Trinculo think Caliban is? It is later revealed that he also played a part in the overthrow of Prospero. Antonio, however, continues to plot against other characters: he persuades Sebastian to kill his brother, Alonso, so that Sebastian himself can become the King of Naples. Antonio and Sebastian want to kill Alonso because Antonio believes that Sebastien should take his crown, What interrupts the murder? Antonio incites Sebastian to kill his brother and take the crown of Naples. ariel. Antonio wants sebastian to be the king so he no longer has to pay tribute to Alonso. Why? Antonio ensures Sebastian that Ferdinand, Alonso's son, is dead.
2020 why does antonio want to kill alonso