The Clematis armandii benefits from annual feeding and mulching.Fertilize late winter or early spring before new growth begins with a balanced fertilizer. Clematis is susceptible to stem wilt, so although the soil needs to be moist, it must be well-drained. Clematis roots and vines are fragile and don't recover well from rough treatment, so handle the plant gently. The group that your variety falls in determines its pruning procedures. Clematis is a rule breaker when it comes to planting. Work the plant … How to Plant Clematis. You can plant … For aggressive growing varieties, space them a bit further apart and for bush-types space them a little closer. While clematis is sometimes sold as a bulb, the potted clematis' roots are much more established and better prepared to survive outdoor planting. Mulch, especially rich organic mulch, placed around the plant … Clematis plants are generally divided into 3 groups, not very creatively named – group 1, group 2 and group 3. Tip: If you’re not sure which group your Clematis … If your plant has a tiny trellis in its nursery pot, keep it in place and have someone help you hold it up as you remove the pot; otherwise, the trellis can flop over and damage the plant. Typically plants should be placed so that the top of the soil in the ground is the same as it was in the container and planted directly in the native soil (turns out that whole “$10 hole for a $5 plant… Planting: Plant clematis in spring or fall. Allow the plant to soak for 10 to 15 minutes, adding more water if necessary to keep the entire pot immersed. Spacing: Space clematis plants 24 to 36 inches apart.
2020 when to plant clematis