If you eat a guava that hasn't reached full maturity, it will have a sharp tang to it. It does have small seeds, but you can scoop them out with a spoon or pick them out with the tip of your fork or knife. Relevance. 8 years ago. What Does Guava Taste Like? 8 years ago . Guava has a flavor similar to that of a pear, but many people find it more like a blend of strawberry and pear or grapefruit and pear. But, what does guava taste like? Would you like to know what a feijoa tastes like? What does guava taste like? As for the texture of the guava, it’s close to a firm apple: juicy, creamy, but with a bit of crunch. You know you have picked the perfect guava if it releases a strong sweet, floral and tropical smell when sniffing. What does guava taste like? It's sweet with a flowery essence and comes across like something between a pear, a mango and a strawberry. Answer Save. wikiHow Staff Editor . Will Nickel. A guava fruit is said to taste like a combination between a pear and a strawberry. Some sweet varieties are fragrant and taste like grapefruit and pear together. This variety of guava smells like lemon fruits. Strawberry guava smells similar to that of strawberry. But they do tend to pop up in supermarkets around the U.S. and other parts of the world as well. It’s somewhere between the mango or a strawberry, but with the refreshing bite of a pear. The pulp inside may taste sweet or sour depending on the ripeness of the fruit. The fruit is rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Guava Texture . What does guava taste like? Lv 7. Ripe guavas are sweet with a hint of tartness. What flavors is is similar to in taste ? They act as a really good thirst quencher. wikiHow Staff Editor Staff Answer This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Fully ripened guavas may be a tiny bit acidic, but they shouldn't be sour. Before we address the question, let’s talk about the benefits of consuming guava. Some varieties like pineapple guava smell like pineapple and pears. The feijoa, or pineapple guava, is a type of fruit more commonly found in South America, Russia, Iran, New Zealand and Australia. 0 2 1. Lv 7. Keep reading and you’ll find out this and more. The flavor of guava fruit is tropical indeed. It's actually surprisingly good for a fruit I'd never heard of before my 30th birthday. Guava is said to have many health benefits. 4 Answers. Log in to reply to the answers Post; clontarf1002. To me, it's a little like muskmelon, with touch of citrus. Staff Answer. There is also another variety of guava that is called lemon guava. What Does Guava Fruit Taste Like? It is high in vitamin C and also contains vitamins A, B, and E. It has a good amount of fiber and a relatively low amount of sugar. However, the smell can best be described as a hybrid between tropical guava and strawberry. Favourite answer.
2020 what does guava taste like