By appearing as a nymph. 0. By making beautiful clothes appear. 9. He accuses them of treachery against Prospero. His presence will not affect the grand scheme of events in this story. A. What does the invisible Ariel do to cause trouble between Stephano and Trinculo? Burning Propero's magical cloakC. Get an answer to your question "What does ariel do that causes fear in the hearts of stephano anf trinculo ..." in English if there is no answer or all answers are wrong, use a search bar and try to find the answer among similar questions. He whispers in their ears that Caliban will hurt them. By doing a dance. D. He appears in the form of a harpy to threaten them. Waiting to attack when Prospero is asleep B. Killing Miranda and Ferdinand firstB. Without the existence of Trinculo, Ariel’s trickery may go unnoticed. He whispers in Stephano's ear that Trinculo wants to murder him. He vows to be their servant. He attacks them. Why does stephano attack trinculo? C. He steals Stephano's wine and makes it appear as if Trinculo and Caliban took it. B. Killing Miranda and Ferdinand first B. Stephano thinks Trinculo has called him a liar. What does Ariel do that causes Stephano to attack Trinculo? How does Ariel distract Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo? This in in Act III Scene 2. Ventriloquizes Trinculo Pinches Stephano Ventriloquizes Stephano Pinches Trinculo 3 of 5. C. He plays a musical tune yet remains invisible. A. The only scene that would be highly affected would be in Act III, scene 2 where Ariel constantly says “Thou liest” and Trinculo gets blamed for with it, eventually getting hit by Stefano. Burning Propero's magical cloak C. Confining Ariel with chains D. Waiting to attack when Prospero is asleep +17. He places a magical spell on Stephano that makes him believe Trinculo is a monster. What action does Caliban suggest when he discusses killing Prospero with Stephano and Trinculo?A. A. Answers (2) Juneau 8 January 2019 04:25. What action does Caliban suggest when he discusses killing Prospero with Stephano and Trinculo? 10. A. killing miranda and ferdinand first. What does Ariel do that causes fear in the hearts of Stephano and Trinculo? Confining Ariel with chainsD. What does Caliban say that himself, Stephano and Trinculo must do to take power from Prospero? But it is actually Ariel who called him a liar, imitating Trinculo's voice.
2020 what does ariel do that causes stephano to attack trinculo