The First World War featured severe and almost continuous fighting in the mountains. After the Roman era, Alemanni also settled in the east, and Franks in the northwest. In these mountains that provide an endless source of activities, enjoy an invigorating escapade, or simply experience the excitement of the breathtakingly beautiful landscapes. In the late 20th century a wide area of the massif was included in two protected areas, the Parc naturel régional des Vosges du Nord (established in 1976) and the Parc naturel régional des Ballons des Vosges (established in 1989). All great mountain systems of the earth are of this type. The Northern Vosges Nature Park and the Palatinate Forest Nature Park on the German side of the border form the cross-border UNESCO-designated Palatinate Forest-North Vosges Biosphere Reserve. The mountain lakes caused by the original glacial phenomena are surrounded by pines, beeches and maples, and green meadows provide pasture for large herds of cattle, with views of the Rhine valley, the Black Forest and the distant, snow-covered Swiss mountains. "La guerre aérienne dans les Vosges. It runs in a north-northeast direction from the Burgundian Gate (the Belfort–Ronchamp–Lure line) to the Börrstadt Basin (the Winnweiler–Börrstadt–Göllheim line), and forms the western boundary of the Upper Rhine Plain. The elongated massif is divided south to north into three sections: In addition, the term "Central Vosges" is used to designate the various lines of summits, especially those above 1,000 m (3,300 ft) in elevation. The highest mountains and peaks of the Vosges (with Alsatian or German names in brackets) are: Two nature parks lie within the Vosges: the Ballons des Vosges Nature Park and the Northern Vosges Regional Nature Park. For a long time the distribution of languages and dialects basically correlated with the pattern of settlement movements. Folded mountains which have originated before tertiary period are called old fold mountains. The Vosges in their southern and central parts are called the Hautes Vosges. In these mountains that provide an endless source of activities, enjoy an invigorating escapade, or simply experience the excitement of the breathtakingly beautiful landscapes. Every season offers different pleasures: revitalizing escapades and intense moments, full of emotion. This range lies close to the border with Germany, and continues on into the fringes of the Palatine Forest of Germany. Fold Mountains: The formation of fold mountains . An infinite variety of experiences will thrill seekers of fresh air, adventure and a change of scenery. Cosy farm inns. #1. The elongated massif is divided south to north into three sections: From time to time, wars, plagues and religious conflicts saw the depopulation of territories – in their wake it was not uncommon for people to be relocated there from other areas. Get lots of exclusive experiences and information sent straight to your inbox. On 20 January 1992 Air Inter Flight 148 crashed into the Vosges Mountains while circling to land at Strasbourg International Airport, killing 87 people. Later, German speakers referred to the same region as Vogesen or Wasgenwald. In the north, south and west, there are places less eroded by glaciers, and here Vosges Triassic and Permian red sandstone remains are found in large beds. The Vosges Mountains alone has about 36 peaks to climb and explore. These consist of a large Carboniferous mountain eroded just before the Permian Period with gneiss, granites, porphyritic masses or other volcanic intrusions. [further explanation needed] From 1871 to 1918 the Vosges marked for the most part the border between Germany and France, due to the Franco-Prussian War. From 1871 to 1918, they formed the main border line between France and the German Empire. The French department of Vosges is named after the range. The only rivers in Alsace are the Ill coming from south Alsace (or Sundgau), and the Bruche d'Andlau and the Bruche which have as tributaries other, shorter but sometimes powerful streams coming like the last two from the Vosges Mountains. From a geological point of view, a graben at the beginning of the Paleogene period caused the formation of Alsace and the uplift of the plates of the Vosges, in eastern France, and those in the Black Forest, in Germany. The Romance-speaking areas are traditionally part of the Lorrain language region in the west and the Frainc-Comtou region in the south. Block mountains are also called fault-block mountains since they are formed due to faulting as a result of tensile and compressive forces. On the lower heights and buttresses of the main chain on the Alsatian side are numerous castles, generally in ruins, testifying to the importance of this crucial crossroads of Europe, violently contested for centuries. When such basins form, the thinning of the crust causes uplift immediately adjacent to the basin. However, the switch from German to French as the lingua franca which took place between the 17th and the 20th century across the whole of Alsace was not accompanied by any further significant movements of population. 1914–1919", This page was last edited on 31 October 2020, at 09:07. There are two basic types of block mountains: Over the centuries, settlement population density gradually, as was typical for a forested region. In the High Moselle and Meurthe basins, moraines, boulders and polished rocks testify to the former existence of glaciers which once covered the top of the Vosges. Share your best experiences in Alsace with #visitalsace. Types of Mountains: There are 4 types of mountains, viz. avec Magali Delavenne, Jean-Claude Fombaron, Philippe Nivet, Yann Prouillet. The Vosges is greatly similar to the corresponding range of the Black Forest on the other side of the Rhine: both lie within the same degrees of latitude, have similar geological formations, and are characterized by forests on their lower slopes, above which are open pastures and rounded summits of a rather uniform altitude. The amount of uplift decreases with distance from the basin, causing the highest range of peaks to be immediately adjacent to the basin, and the increasingly lower mountains to stretch away from the basin. In a rustic, generous, authentic setting, you can indulge in delicious mountain cuisine using farm-fresh ingredients. The demarcation line stretched from the Ballon d'Alsace in the south to Mont Donon in the north with the lands east of it being incorporated into Germany as part of Alsace-Lorraine.
2020 vosges mountain type