Content-Based English as a Second Language (ESL) Programs: The academic content areas of English Language Arts, social studies, science, and mathematics are … Team Teaching Model They ESL specialist may spend several hours a day … English as a New Language (ENL) Instruction in this program, formerly known as English as a Second Language (ESL), emphasizes English language … In this type of model the ESL specialist can sometimes even provide an extra set of hands in a way that is useful for the entire class. The goal of these programs is for students to develop literacy and proficiency in English and in the home/target language (the second language that is being acquired/learned). Participation in these types of programs can improve students’ English language proficiency, which in turn has been associated with improved educational outcomes. 1 The percentage of public school … This report focuses on secondary-level (middle and high school) English language learner (ELL) programs, approaches, and student performance.It is organized by ELL instruc-tional program model types, research or study design types, and types … 83.6% of ELL students in … With an approximate ELL enrollment of 6.2% among grades K-12, North Carolina has 102,311 English Language Learners in the state public school system as of years 2012-2013. What types of EL programs are available?
2020 types of ell programs