What is Continuous Data? Assum... A: Hello there! .14 2) The table below indicates the age of Super Shoppers at a local Grocery store. (e) Number of lightning strikes in Rocky Mountain National Park on a given day Even if you add another book that adding one whole book so you'd have five books, you go the story. Example 2. There are no half or third or 0.47 books. Let's say your grandfather's shelf has nine shelves. b.1,6,2,2,3,0,... A: Note: 8-3... A: The mean and standard deviation can be calculated as: True or False? The probabilities for each age The number of ways we can choose the pair that is adjacent is $3$, and if we include the $2$ ways to order the pair we get $6$ possibilities for the book pair. Number of siblings of an individual. Continuous Variable. Example 4. (c) Compute the standard deviation (o ). Continuous Conclusion. Specify whether the quantitative variables are discrete or continuous: a) Number of books on a shelf: b) Length of a country song: c) Number of students who arrived at BMCC today between 7:00am and 8:00am. It is discrete. (a) Compute the expected age of a Super Shopper (Calculate µ). Discrete Variable. .24 If you want any... Q: A population of 5 households has the following household incomes: $30,000, $40,000, $50,000, $60,000... A: Given that, Super shoppers are those people who regularly use coupons when shopping. Correct! 55 Continuous discrete (c) Number of books on a shelf discrete (d) Weight of an apple Continuous (e) Number of lightning strikes in Rocky Mountain National Park on a given day Continuous 2) The table below indicates the age of Super Shoppers at a local Grocery store. there are more than one question. Determine if the following set of data is discrete or continuous: The weights of watermelons. Experts are waiting 24/7 to provide step-by-step solutions in as fast as 30 minutes!*. So 9 x 38 = 342. 25 Data is continuous if it is the result of measuring (such as … Having that cleared up, we can often treat numbers like this as a continuous variable, eapecially if the total number is … ... people would be something like the number of books on a shelf, because that's something that can be counted. Ahttps://newconnect.mheducation.com/flow/connect.html There are $9!$ ways to arrange these. Find answers to questions asked by student like you. The probabilities for each age group are also listed. The method what you did is incorrect as it probability of ba... Q: Calculate  the range, variance , and stanard deviation for the following Number of chapters in the book (e.g., 10 chapters) c. Width of the book … Did the figure above helped you understand the difference between discrete and continuous data? (d) Weight of an apple Next, you'll need to gauge the approximate average width of your books, and divide it into the number you found in step #2. Data is discrete if it is the result of counting (such as the number of students of a given ethnic group in a class or the number of books on a shelf). We can think of the collection of books now as being $9$ books: $7$ non-math books, $1$ math book, and $1$ pair of math books that is inseparable. Number of printing mistakes in a book. Median response time is 34 minutes and may be longer for new subjects. Height of a person; Age of a person; Profit earned by the company. 3. Number of road accidents in New Delhi. Q: The average number of words in a romance novel is 64,209 and the standard deviation is 17,495. ... A: Permutation: Measures can actually be used as discrete fields or continuous fields, and the same is true for some dimensions, such as dates. There are $9!$ ways to arrange these. 30000, 40000, 50000, 60000, 100000 Super shoppers a.4,2,1,0,1  Most books are about an inch and a half thick, but things like art, medical, and reference books … Quantitative data can be separated into two subgroups: discrete and continuous. Answer to Determine whether the data described are discrete or continous. We assure you that the color-coding identifies discrete vs. continuous fields and not dimensions vs. measures. group are also listed. Given the following data: Values 9 52 21 35 30 34 35 19 39 28 47 a) Create a stem and leaf plot of these data. discrete Weight of the book (e.g., 2.3 pounds) b. The number of ways we can choose the pair that is adjacent is $3$, and if we include the $2$ ways to order the pair we get $6$ possibilities for the book pair. Since it is not mentioned in the question whether the given data belongs to population or samp... Q: Assume that the systolic blood pressure of a 30 year old male is normally distributed with an averag... A: If a random variable x has a distribution with mean µ and standard deviation σ, then the z-score is ... Q: 4. 65 Let’s see the definition: discrete Discrete data usually involve counting a number of items, such as the number of books, computers, people, and so forth. (c) Compute the standard deviation (o ). Hey, since there are multiple questions posted, we will answer first question. are those people who regularly use coupons when shopping. By and large, both discrete and continuous variable can be qualitative and quantitative. Identify the function as either continuous or discrete based on the graph: This graph shows a continuous function, as there are no holes identified on the line, and also no endpoints. Would you... A: GivenP(red) = 0.25P(red and bad) = 0.10 2. For each of the following characteristics of the book, decide whether the characteristic is a continuous or a discrete random variable: a. Show Answer. Determine if the following set of data is discrete or continuous: The number of books on your shelves. 8-1 Final Exam Where did I go wrong in my calculation? A number of books takes on only positive integer values, such as 0, 1, or 2, and thus is a discrete random variable.
2020 the number of books on a shelf continuous or discrete