STAIRS • Reinforced concrete is perhaps the most suitable of all the said materials for the construction of stairs. The staircase detailing is conducted through bar bending schedule. Construction detail of the structural design of tread-riser type staircase (slabless stair, sawtooth stair) of reinforced concrete. Dwg file format. INTRODUCTION Stairs is a set of steps which give access from floor to floor. Building Communication 2013 – drawi ng stairs and staircase 20 details Rich, Dean.Principles of element design 1999 page 145 Building Communication 2013 – drawi ng stairs and staircase 21 details Blanc.Stairs,steps andramps. The room or enclosure of the building, in which stair is located is known as staircase. Depending onthearchitectural forms, theremaybedifferent typesofstairs,suchas(Fig.1.1): (i) .Simpiestraight stair, (ii) Saw-tooth/slabless stair, (iii) Freestanding stair,and (iv) Helicoidal stair. R.C.C. Drawing shows the arrangement of main reinforcement (ties, stirrups) and the secondary steel (transverse direction). A stair isnot only important from functional point of view but itprovides awide scopefortheuseofarchitect's creativity inthisfield. Wind loads for design should be taken from Code of Practice on Wind Effects in Hong Kong 2004. This construction video in brief reviews the subject of bar bending schedule for stair reinforcement. Example 2: Staircase with Landing & Continuous at One End Minimum & Maximum Area of Reinforcement , =0.26 =0.26 2.56 500 0.0013≥0.0013 A s,min = 0.0013bd = 0.0013 1000 130 = 173 mm2/m A s,max = 0.04A c = 0.04bh = 0.04 1000 130 = 6400 mm2/m Secondary Reinforcement A Fuller discussion is included in Section 14 of this Manual. The reinforcement provided for other purpose can also act as effective ties if continuity and adequate anchorage for rebar of ties have been provided. Staircase provide access & communication between floors in multi-storey buildings and are a path by which fire can spread from one floor to another. 1996 page 143 Building Communication 2013 – drawi ng stairs and staircase 22 Exercise stair drawing 1.
2020 staircase reinforcement details pdf