Na BrO, Chemistry jokes are sodium funny. Chemistry Cat Meme (theme), Element Jokes, 0%. What did the elements say to hydrogen? What will happen if you get into water and can't zwim? - The happy Frenchman's opinion after buying his new automobile. The proton replies "I'm positive. They were standing in their yards. -Radium What did the king say to the guard when the prisoner escaped? Pop the Cd In neighbor! Sooo I was gonna tell you a joke about sodium and hydrogen......but NaH. Answer: Na, What element did the dinosaurs say killed them? And then oxygen said yeah they named it after me. What animal do you get when you take out the T, A and I in the word Potassium. Febreeze, Silicon jokes: Q: Is silicon the same in Spanish? I am zincing of you all the time! I’d tell her a bad oxygen joke but I wouldn’t want the score to be 0-2. Teacher: What's the molecular formula of water? Are you a mixture of Fluoride, Iodine, and Nitrogen cause you are fine. -"Cesium! Carbon! everyone screamed. What song starts with Oxygen Hydrogen Sodium Sodium? If "Fe" is Iron, then does that mean that a Female is Iron Man? What is a house cat's favorite chemical compound? The proton says, "Wait, I dropped an electron help me look for it." "When I go into a restaurant, iodine. Yeah, it went OK. (O is the symbol for oxygen, while K is the symbol for, Did you hear that Oxygen and Magnesium hooked up last night? ... NO You wanna hear a joke about tungsten? How did the boss speak to the very lazy employee? A good way to remember gold is "Au gimme that gold". Because you're pretty CuTe! K.... Will you accept a sodium joke? Person 2: Na, Anyone know any sodium, bromine, or Oxygen jokes? Bar man says, "We don't serve noble gases." What does a metal miner write home in a letter to his girlfriend? HAHAHAHA. The neutron says "Are you sure?" Wanna hear a joke about sodium and bromine OXide? Cause you're a BeUTi ( beauty). A: HeHe. There is an abundance of chemistry jokes out there. A wrestler holding down an opponent may have a NEON him. What a loner! -- KNiFe. Let's head on down to the cemetery and get our Krypton. We've all sulfured enough. K, What did two scientists do when their test subject died? "OH SNaP!". You wanna hear a joke about sodium? You barium. Argon walks into a bar, the bartender says "We don't serve nobles gasses here." What is the frattiest element? You barium. "why are you screaming?" A big list of sodium bromate jokes! Employee: For you, no charge! Here is a collection of reader-submitted chemistry jokes and puns. Turns out they were in for assault and battery. They are both on the periodic table! Na, im fine, I don't want to tell jokes in class because I might get NO REACTION, What do tomb robbers do to pyramids? Oh Na Na, what's my name. Sourced from Reddit, Twitter, and beyond! Use only working piadas for adults and blagues for friends. What sharp object do you get when you combine potassium, nickel, and iron? Billy was a chemist's son but now he is no more. So an atom walks into a bar with a gun and the bartender says "Who are you and what do you want?" A neutron went to buy a drink. These element jokes are so dead, we should barium. Argon doesn't react. A: I've got my ion you. 2nd Person: No, he just a big Fe Male! What is the element's favorite carnival ride? sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium BATMAN! OMg. (Explanation: bury 'em, bury them sounds like barium). Are you feeling under the weather today? --Helium, What's the best formula for breakfast? Sodium Bromate Jokes. sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium BATMAN! Only the Catholic ones! The barman says "For you NO CHARGE". Bar man says, "We don't serve. Sodium Jokes I wanted to post a joke about sodium. UNiCoRn! Q: What did the chemist say when he found two isotopes of Helium? OMg!! SAVE TO FOLDER. I reckoned, "Na, it's Cl", but my friends keep insisting it's a salt. A proton and a neutron are walking down the street. SAVE TO FOLDER. Are you hydrogen? Bromine. KAPPIT . My friend asked me if i want some Sodium Bromate. Hahahahahaahaha. What did the chemist do when he cut his leg? Argon doesn't react. Chemistry jokes are sodium funny! Why did the scientist want carbon, Arsenic, and Hydrogen? (Na). I would tell you a chemistry joke but all the good ones Argon! ... W. Teacher: Do you know your elements? KAPPIT . Student: HIJKLMNO Teacher: No, that's wrong. Sodium Bromate Joke: Want some sodium bromate? Come on guys, these chemistry jokes are getting a bit boron. ... Na You wanna hear a joke about silicon? 1st Person: Do you like Iron man, coz I do! A: Cesium, What does a good doctor do for his patients? to which the atom replies "The name's Bond. OH SNaP! -- Rhodium Where did he do it? You can read other jokes specific to certain topics, like Mole Day. Some of them are groaners, but some are quite funny. Joe Wilson says: "U Li!! Q: What did one ion say to another? Did you hear? Sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium… Argon, Joke: what does the chemist tell his friends when he goes into an eatery? Proton 1: I'm positive! We should just find all the bad chemistry jokes and just barium. You wanna hear a joke about potassium? Obama is giving his speech. What do you get when you mix helium with steel? Student: But didn't you say water is "H to O"? Are you made out of beryllium, ununtrium, and titanium ? Bromine, oxygen, and … Helium walks into a store and asks for his nickel but the manager said, "Your brother?" You're gonna get fat!" Q: If H2O is the formula for ice, what is the formula for ice? Argon walks into a bar. Asked helium "Cause you want to bury um!! But I was like Na, someone already made that joke. One guy says "I would like some. Hey mate do you know what are the chemicals symbols for sodium, bromine and... Sixteen sodium atoms walk into a bar. Screamed the guy who put Sodium Chloride on soap. Argon walks into a bar. You're fortunate to read a set of the 71 funniest jokes and sodium puns. He put his neon (knee on) a table to bandage it up. ... Si You wanna hear a joke about nitrogen and oxygen? What do you say when: oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, sodium and phosphorous walk into a bar? ", So one guy says to another 'Wanna hear a potassium joke?' I would tell you a good element joke, but they ARGON!!! How did Arsenals become a strong club in English premier league? Guys, stop it with the puns. She has taught science courses at the high school, college, and graduate levels. That's if you can't helium or curium. Q: What did the copper say to the steel-er? What he thought was H2O was H2SO4! ", A neutron walks into a bar and says "How much for a beer?" Helium says " No I'm not, I'm the second lightest here! Barium. Proton 2: Are you sure? Zinc! Oxygen and magnesium got together?? Hydrogen and Oxygen walk into a bar and see Gold... they say Au, get outta the bar! Susan is no more, for what she thought was H2O was H2SO4. A: H2O cubed. Chemistry Jokes and Puns With Explanations, Yes, There Are Chemistry Jokes and They Are Funny, How to Do Flame Tests for Qualitative Analysis, How to Make Water From Hydrogen and Oxygen, Chemistry Pick Up Lines to Try on Your Crush, Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, B.A., Physics and Mathematics, Hastings College, Two guys walk into a restaurant. Hah... say it out loud. Why? ", What is uranium + fluorine + oxygen? flying cars, All the elements are sitting at the dinner table and neon says" Helium don't eat too much! I was looking for sodium on the periodic table, but then it told me it was not available! He didn't get it though, so he just said "NaNi?!". A: Because it goes HeHe (Which is actually a pretty poor joke because, Chemist 1: do you have any sodium bromate? 5 of them, in fact! In the zinc. Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. (Noble gases are unreactive.) ", First person: Do I have a joke on sodium?? My jokes are kinda boron, but a lot of the good ones. Because I can't live without you. Full with funny wisecracks it is even funnier than any hydrogen witze you can hear about sodium. What did the chemist say to motivate his team? What's the name of the element that comes after nine? Barium. What do you do with a dead scientist? A. coz if you can't Helium or Curium, YOU BARIUM, Person 1: Does anyone know any good jokes about sodium? Zinc Element Joke: Where do you put dirty dishes? Want me to tell a potassium joke? (NaH), Did you hear Oxygen and Potassium went on a date? The Ferrous Wheel, of course!
2020 sodium bromate joke