It was during this time, that while out on patrol, one of Shallows militia teams encountered a large force of Orcs and was slaughtered, with only one survivor managing to escape and hide. He was very disturbed that he was not brought to the halls of Tempus. Colson was taken by Cottie Cooperson after Delly quite remarkably refused the will of the sword to kill her and handed the baby over to her, who quickly fled with refugees across the Surbrin to safer lands before the onset of winter, without telling Wulfgar. For 3.5E stats, there is Silver Marches by Ed Greenwood and Jason Carl, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, and an article called The Lone Drow: Companions of the Hall by Thomas M. Costa. After Cottie, who has lost everything dear to her, finally gives up Colson, Wulfgar finally tells Catti-Brie that he will be taking Colson back to her true mother, and that he will return to Icewind Dale, to become anew in his former tribal life. Editors ordered Wulfgar's resurrection in Passage to Dawn after the fans' request, despite Salvatore's argument. He had forced himself into a year-long exile to relearn the ways of his people and had only to survive the winter before he would rejoin the Tribe of the Elk. He says that he wants to find a wife and have a family, and that the comforts of Mithral Hall cannot keep his spirit contented. It is magically attuned to Wulfgar and will reappear in his hand upon command. After Withegroo cast his last fireball ever and killed many more orcs, Wulfgar stood unmovable against the sea of Orcs that swept against them, and continued to swing his hammer until the press lessened, leaving him and the defenders confused as to why it had stopped. [42] His war-hammer Aegis-fang was promised to be given to Bruenorson. The armor has an arcane spell failure chance of 25%, a maximum Dexterity bonus of +3, and an armor check penalty of -3. Wulfgar took to the forge and, over time, changed his opinion of Bruenor from a slaver to a father. When the attack began again, the defenders once again managed to hold their fortifications against the invasion. [27], When Errtu was summoned by a powerful sorcerer, he used an anti-magic gem given him by Lolth to escape and brought Wulfgar with him. He is the creation of R.A. Salvatore. Wulfgar was then accused of the attempted murder of Captain Deudermont of the Sea Sprite, with whom he had sailed several years earlier. In truth, Meralda was hiding a premarital relationship she had had with Jaka Sculi, who was the true father of the child. During their trek, the group entered the small town of Shallows, a small (approximately 120 people and a local wizard) prosperous community. Iruladoon[3] Icewind Dale[4] Mithral Hall[5] Luskan[6] Icewind Dale[7] Nicknames [48] Afterwards, they took Pwent's soul to Longsaddle, where Wulfgar had a one-night stand with Penelope Harpell. Without resorting to bloodshed, Wulfgar and Catti-brie recovered Colson from Cottie in Nesmé. [1][2] Wulfgar returned to the major role in the novel The Spine of the World. [32], Delly Curtie was under considerable strain being quartered in Mithral Hall while the ongoing war against the orc king Obould Many-Arrows left her unable to walk the free air. [47], At the appointed time, the spring equinox of 1484 DR, Wulfgar appeared at the summit of Kelvin's Cairn with the rest of the Companions to aid Drizzt in their new lives. He eventually met up with his old friends, Drizzt and company, whom he had abandoned months earlier and who had thought him dead. This led to him attacking Drizzt once in Mithral Hall then backing off when he was reminded Drizzt was a friend. He initially rejected this opportunity in favor of passing on and going to Tempus' Warrior's Rest to rejoin with his kin. Pretty much. Wulfgar then for a short time tried to, without alcohol, shut out the memories of his time with Errtu, and the horrible tortures he had suffered with him. Unfortunately, after the last push by Bruenor and his dwarves to clear out the Orcs from in front of Shallows main gates, he fell unconscious, having sustained many blows that would have felled a lesser Dwarf. I just write stories."[6]. Barbarian 6 [5], Wulfgar, however, was fighting beside the dwarves and Catti-brie and spent more time fighting than being with Delly. As described in The Crystal Shard, Wulfgar is roughly 7 ft 0 in (2.13 m), blond-haired and blue-eyed (common for the barbarian tribes he hails from), and developed his awesomely muscled physique when he was in servitude to the dwarf Bruenor Battlehammer for five years—working alongside dwarves, who are renowned for being tireless. [49] The Companions continued on to Mithral Hall, but lingered in Nesme to fend off orc and goblin attacks associated with the Darkening. [51], In his second life, Wulfgar retrieved from Ingeloakastimizilian's lair a magical horn that summoned 5-10 berserker warriors. He also fell in love with Catti-brie, Bruenor's adopted human daughter. Drizzt Do’Urden stats: Multiclass Fighter 11 / Ranger 8. [18] In a battle between the tribe and the Ten Towns, Bruenor Battlehammer the dwarf leader knocked out Wulfgar with a blow to the head. He also used it in a battle beside Drizzt Do'Urden and Bruenor Battlehammer against the balor, Errtu, again ending in victory for the companions. Isn't it just a magic warhammer that returns when thrown, though? Class [3], Wulfgar's reincarnated form was Hrolf, son of Alfarin, in the Tribe of the Elk, the same tribe he had belonged to in his first life. [39] He still had a massive chest,[40] stood over six and a half feet tall,[41] and killed several yetis, some with his bare hands, before succumbing to his wounds. It is a large and heavy, perfectly balanced Dwarven war hammer +5. In this edition, Cattie-brie is a 7th level fighter, Regis is a 7th level rogue, Wulfgar is a 9th level Barbarian, and Bruenor is a 13th level fighter. Fighter 9 [43], Wulfgar shared the same afterlife as Regis and Cattie-Brie in a small pocket dimension that could be entered from a forest in Iruladoon. Its head is engraved with the magical inscriptions of Clangeddin, the dwarven god of battle, as well as the symbols of Moradin, the dwarven god of creation, which covers the symbol of Dumathoin, "keeper of secrets under the mountain". Also, when he challenged King Heafstaag, a mighty barbarian leader in Icewind Dale, Wulfgar literally crushed the King's head like a melon with his bare hands. Dates [3][4] He also appears in Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn computer role-playing game as minor NPC. [47] The essence of the vampire Thibbledorf Pwent was accidentally trapped inside the horn, releasing the berserkers. [17], Wulfgar was born in 1339 DR to Beornegar, a member of the Tribe of the Elk in Icewind Dale. In the novel Gauntlgrym, it is revealed that Wulfgar lived a very long and healthy life, having several children and grandchildren before he finally died. [15], In his second life, Wulfgar had resolved to live in the moment and enjoy life for what it was. He participated in barbarian invasion of Ten-Towns, where Bruenor Battlehammer, a dwarf, knocked Wulfgar out by sweeping his legs out from under him. Wulfgar would routinely take on foes much bigger than he and defeat them with his strength and mighty warhammer. Wulfgar followed Bruenor and Drizzt in their campaign for Mithral Hall and struggle against assassin Artemis Entreri. When the attack began on the town, Wulfgar was charged with holding an entire section of the towns defensive wall, with Regis, Bruenor and his dwarves, the towns militia holding the rest(Drizzt had been unable to get inside the walls before the assault began), while Withegroo the wizard and the towns archers (Catti-Brie among them) firing over the walls from the top of his tower in the center of the town. [39] His second-oldest grandson was ready to become chief of the Tribe of the Caribou. Wulfgar was almost 7 ft (2.1 m) tall with a broad and muscular chest and weighed 350 lb (160 kg).He had blond hair and a neatly trimmed beard. [37] Despite his age and illness with fever and pneumonia, Wulfgar still had great physical strength. When a drow party from Menzoberranzan captured Drizzt, though, Wulfgar followed his friends to rescue. After giving up his sea-based search, he travelled into the northlands in search of the pirate Sheila Kree. Instead of death, Bruenor sentenced Wulfgar to five years and a day of service to Bruenor. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. [29], During those six years as Errtu's prisoner, Wulfgar's mind had almost been broken. His story of rebirth and second life is not detailed. [3] The Companions traveled to Gauntlgrym to release Thibbledorf Pwent from his vampirism. When Thibbledorf Pwent and the Gutbuster Brigade arrived, bearing news that Gandalug Battlehammer had died, Wulfgar and his family travelled with his old companions, and the entire clan of Icewind-Dale Battlehammer dwarves, to Mithril Hall so that Bruenor could resume his reign. Wulfgar has been trained extensively by Drizzt Do'Urden with this weapon. DROWS! The orcs and pack animals then threw off their druid enchanted cloaks, revealing themselves as Regis, the Bouldershoulder brothers and a small force of Dwarves.
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