The Stoics, for example, were more successful in criticizing the current creed than in explaining the underlying truth which they recognized in polytheism. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Even polytheism,' or something indistinguishable from it, is suggested to this doggedly empiricist mind by the Varieties of Religious Experience; they are all good to those to whom they appeal; and what right have we to talk of Objective standards? Of the epic fragments, the more important are those in which he attacks the "anthropomorphic and anthropopathic polytheism" of his contemporaries. Lastly pre-Mosaic polytheism seems to be implied in the Mosaic prohibition Ex. It is characteristic of polytheism to blur that line in several ways. Polytheism characterizes virtually all religions other than Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which share a common tradition of monotheism, the belief in one god. This is an example sentence using the word you asked about. Porphyry marks the transition to a new phase of Neoplatonism, in which it becomes completely subservient to polytheism, and seeks before everything else to protect the Greek and Christianity. You destroyed idolatrous polytheism and Godless error by Christ's power. In polytheism the grades of superhuman beings are continuous; but in monotheism there is a sharp distinction of kind, as well as degree, between God on the one hand, and all other superhuman beings on the other; the latter are the " angels.". 11 sample sentences for POLYTHEISM. The necessity of a constant protest against polytheism led to a tenacious insistence on the divine unity, and the task was to reconcile this unity with the deity of Jesus Christ. polytheism in a sentence - Use "polytheism" in a sentence 1. 1. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. At that period the urban masses, but recently converted to Christianity, sought in the worship of the martyrs a sort of substitute for polytheism. ): the worship of natural objects is said to be less blameworthy than the worship of images - this latter, arising from the desire to honour dead children and living kings (the Euhemeristic theory), is inherently absurd, and led to all sorts of moral depravity. On the human side polytheism receives fresh groups in connexion with the development of social institutions and national feeling. Unlike the Hindu, Xenophanes inclined to pantheism as a protest against the anthropomorphic polytheism of the time, which seemed to him improperly to exalt one of the many modes of finite existence into the place of the Infinite. 3 The " departmental " arrangement prevails among the polytheism of civilized peoples, ' Dasent, Bragi's Telling: Younger Edda, P. 94. The change from Palestinian polytheism to the pre-eminence of Yahweh and the gradual development of ethical monotheism are facts which external evidence continues to emphasize, which biblical criticism must investigate as completely as possible. (1) Ancient Egyptian society was polytheistic. Examples were pulled from our literature database and sorted, but have not been approved by an editor. At the same time the Stoics felt at liberty to defend and uphold the truth in polytheism. A brief description of how the Egyptians were punished through the very things with which they sinned (though the punishment was not fatal, for God loves all things that exist), and how judgments on the Canaanites were executed gradually (so as to give them time to repent), is followed by a dissertation on the origin, various forms, absurdity and results of polytheism and idolatry (xiii.-xv. polytheism in a sentence - Use "polytheism" in a sentence 1. Writing. There was some reversion to polytheism and the religion became more magical and ritualistic than ethical. Should it be called polytheism or pantheism?
2020 sentence for polytheism