Black Turkey: Great Meat Producers for Small Farm. Royal Palm – The only turkey we raise that is not specifically raised as a meat turkey but more of an ornamental type dating back to the 1920s and 30s. for females when fully grown. Wild Stuff- Royal Palm turkeys. The Royal palm turkey weighs around 20 lbs. Considered a rare breed of turkey, a heritage turkey and admitted into the American Standard of Perfection in 1977, the Royal Palm turkey is considered to be a little smaller than other heritage turkeys and fends for themselves very well. They have a beautiful color pattern and are very useful around the farm for insect reduction. Royal Palm toms weigh 18 to 20 pounds; hens 10 to 14 pounds. This means that it is not going to be providing the same amount of meat as the Broad Breasted bronze turkey for example. 9 Reasons Why Raising Turkeys Might Not Be Right For Some Homesteaders. They were recognized by the APA in 1977. With the black and white color pattern, they are a very striking bird. You cannot make any money selling them for food unless you live in an area where people are willing to pay $6/lb or more. About Royal Palm Turkeys: Not All Turkeys Are Just for Meat. Wild Stuff- Royal Palm turkeys Video. for males and 12 lbs. DIGITAL EXCLUSIVE- Paying … Royal Palm Turkey Meat. Bar owners react to the Thanksgiving Eve alcohol sales ban Video. Beginner’s Guide to Raising Turkeys in Your Backyard for Meat and Profit. This means that it could be used as a meat bird. However, the breast of the Royal Palm is fairly broad. If you keep them for breeding, you can make a little money if you sell the poults. There is less breast meat on Royal Palms, but they still taste good.
2020 royal palm turkey taste