The finish layer of flooring, i.e. Most methods are based on the thickness of the finish material. I make a structural Floor ( usually a reinforced concrete slab ) that can be later swap with the slab made by the structural engineer and several other layered floors (non structural -architetural) that contain works that are made later on site ( Substrate, Insulation,Finishes) . You can apply Revit floor finishes in a variety of ways. The finish floor of varying thickness will sit above slab. If the whole floor is one material, then your best solution is to set up different floor types. This is my proposal for creating a Floor Finish Legend in Revit: ... Where rooms have multiple finishes, the legend could read "Multi - See Sht AX.X" and a detailed floor finish plan could be there with the precise layout and materials. The Room Finishing application allows you to automatically create a skirting board or a finished floor all the way around any architectural room. For example, a thin finish such as a carpet might be applied with the split face and paint tool, whereas a thicker finish such as mortar-set stone tile might be a separate floor. ie carpet, vinyl etc.. What I was thinking of trying, is creating a new level, 10mm above my FFL, and calling this "floor finishes". any suggestions? Read Help Document. Just edit each floor, duplicate the type and change the material. I can then add a floor in at this new level, 10mm thick, and assign it a surface hatch.. You can also paint each floor with a different finish but this is not as nice of a solution because it is hard to see in properties. Just create a type of wall to be used as a baseboard or a type of floor to be used as a finish, select a set of rooms or a single room and the application will create the skirting board and the finish with the proper height. I need to create a plan that indicates floor finishes. TIP: See this post on creating floor finishes in the project itself: Revit Floor Finish Workflow - Thin Floors I created a Design Option Set called Floor Finish Legend and renamed the primary option Empty. This option is literally empty and therefore nothing will show up, ever, anywhere in the model; plans, sections, schedules. I need my levels to be at top of slab as is the industry standard; but revit doesn't seem to understand this as far as I know since when I add a 2 inch finish to the floor, all the doors disappear, and when I increase the sill height by 2 inches, they all show thresholds now or display incorrectly. I have a project with 8 inch concrete floors and 2 inch finish. The doors, casing and baseboard trim will be set at the highest level and a threshold must be placed in the openings for the transition. To get full access to all the features, please register for an account. Registration is fast, simple and absolutely free, so please register today! Architecture and General Revit Questions; Floor Finishes; Welcome to the Revit Forum You are currently viewing as a guest which gives you limited access to view attachments, ask questions and access other features. What I would normally do (in AA 2011 say) is hatch each area, and assign a type of hatch to each floor type. This is a very tedious operation in Revit. For the works done under the structural slab I … tile, wood, carpet will sit above a leveling layer of let's say 1".
2020 revit floor finishes