Serve up a delicious newsletter with this template intended for a restaurant, hospitality or food business. Restaurant newsletter. Use our sample 'Sample Newsletter for Restaurant.' Restaurant email marketing is a great way to draw in local customers and maintain a profit. Les newsletter centrées sur l’univers de la marque. Véhiculez l’esprit de votre marque à travers vos emails. Download Share. Click Here. Ces exemples de newsletters sont centrés sur l’univers de la marque : ils peuvent servir à présenter des produits, mais toujours à travers une mise en contexte propre à l’identité de marque. The content is much longer, allowing users to read the tips right in their inbox instead of clicking to the company’s website. Free help from wikiHow. Here is an example of their best email newsletter: You’ll notice that this newsletter looks a little different than some of the other email newsletter examples we’ve covered so far. Example #1 - Quora - Shows Them ... ** I'm obsessed with chicken & waffles & was complaining about how Boston doesn't have any chicken & waffles restaurants, then Yelp sent a newsletter about where to get chicken & waffles in Boston. The popular blog and newsletter for restaurant owners helps an astounding number of 988,000 twitter followers keep their menu game on point, educating them on the Millenial Generation's culinary obsessions such as craft beers, kale recipes, and Sriracha. Here are some of the things you could talk about: Live music – lots of restaurants have live music, it’s a great way to entertain customers whilst they eat. Read it or download it for free. It was really exciting for me. Successful restaurant email marketing is essential. Use as is, or easily customise with your own images, fonts and colours. This is an accessible template. More templates like this. You can use your emails to promote upcoming entertainments at your restaurant. Nation's Restaurant News, an award-winning magazine since 1967, does exactly what you think it does, … This template will guide you through each step of creating attractive and useful content. What’s more, when done correctly, restaurant email campaigns and newsletters allow you to remain relevant, no matter the cuisine you represent. Want to send BULK EMAIL through Gmail? Nation's Restaurant News. Word. Restaurant Newsletter Example. Posted By kyle on 12 Mar 2012 Email marketing for restaurants doesn’t just have to be about food.
2020 restaurant newsletter examples