•Must be comparable in size and reproduction potential to Rambouillets because lamb production cannotbt be compromi dised. Noting that the Helle sheep have been bred to have distinct genetics from even other Rambouillets, she added, “The sheep is still a merino, and it has the ability to grow fine fiber.” (Duckworth baselayers are made from 18- or 19-micron wool.) Are there differences between merino and up-and-coming, American-made Rambouillet wool? Read this Retail College chapter to find out how the best wool products tackle the heat for your customer. Buy this book from our store: The Field Guide to Fleece. A printed version of this digital flipbook (click to ...read more, Ibex redefines natural fiber performance clothing with new DFF WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, VT. (April 1, 2015) — Ibex Outdoor Clothing is leading the charge in the world of natural fiber performance clothing by introducing a revolutionary new fiber that will change the way the industry ...read more, Media Contact: Theresa Blake Treehouse Communicationstheresa@treehousepr.com 970-764-7783  Point6 Introduces New Collection of Active Lifestyle Merino Wool Socks Steamboat, Colo. -- (Aug. 1, 2014) -- Point6, makers of premium merino wool socks engineered to deliver the ultimate ...read more, (Lawrence, Mass.) “Our biggest competitor is the idea in the U.S. that wool is itchy.”. International Subscribers - Click Here “We use New Zealand merino because it’s the best quality,” he said. Read more from The Field Guide to Fleece: The Field Guide to Fleece: Wool Characteristics “And New Zealand wool has a predictable, flat fiber. The American Blood Grade System no longer refers to breeding background but represents a broad description of fiber diameter. Rambouillet, breed of sheep, developed from selections of a few hundred of the best Merino sheep of Spain in 1786 and 1799 by the French government at its national sheepfold at Rambouillet, France. It’s an opportunity for you to catch up on stories you might have missed in O.R.D., and for us to update ...read more, Help bust the myth. But it doesn’t bother him when other companies label their products merino when they might include other wool varieties. With superior softness and good insulating properties, Rambouillet wool is superb for next-to-the-skin fabrics, baby garments, and other special items. Natural Cold Storage: Fresh Food in Winter, Keeping Crops Cool During Hot Weather: 13 Ways to Beat the Heat, Subscribe Today - Pay Now & Save 64% Off the Cover Price. A great wool to blend with luxury fibers, Rambouillet contributes elasticity without compromising softness. The Merino sheep family consists of several breeds, including the Delaine and Rambouillet. “My friends in New Zealand would kill me, but the fiber is the fiber,” said Keith Anderson, vice president of marketing at Ibex. •Identify Merino rams capable of producing more and finer (more valuable) wool than Rambouillets (th t b t i dditi)(the easy part; but in addition). The Rambouillet is a dual purpose sheep, producing a desirable carcass and good fine wool. Up to now, Rambouillet sheep raised in the Rocky Mountain West have been the stars of the American-made wool movement. First imported to the United States in 1840, the breed was successfully molded through selective Spin from flicked locks, comb, or card with fine-toothed carders or carding cloth. Merino wool socks and apparel can be top performers in the summer, too. In one corner: traditional merino wool from New Zealand, Australia or South America. Wool used in underwear and baselayers typically measures 18.9 micron or finer, while wool for socks can get away with about 22 micron.) Valued in America’s western ranges for their hardiness and ability to thrive in sparse native grasslands, Rambouillets bunch up tightly to sleep, which gives them a higher degree of protection from predators than breeds that spread out when resting. The Field Guide to Fleece (Storey Publishing, 2013), by Deborah Robson & Carol Ekarius, is a great primer for beginners, and a handy guide for anyone who loves working with fleece! Rambouillet’s high grease content means the wool must be carefully cleaned using consistently hot water (don’t let the water cool off and redeposit the dissolved grease on the fiber); its willingness to felt means you must limit agitation. But are there real performance variations between them — or is differentiating a matter of splitting hairs? In terms of fleece qualities, think of Rambouillet as a Merino cousin with a bit more bounce. Outi Pulkinnen, design director at Duckworth, also supports precise labeling — but for the opposite reason. A start-up, niche business rapidly rises to find itself as one of the ...read more, Throughout the next month, SNEWS will recap its coverage of Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2014 with select stories from the O.R. account? A resurgence of interest in American wool has given Little Bo Peep good reason to relocate her wandering pets. You can purchase this book from the MOTHER EARTH NEWS store: The Field Guide to Fleece. In the other: wool from the closely related Rambouillet or Targhee merino sheep, the predominant type raised on American ranches. But softer, warmer bison down is poised to take over. With this compact, portable reference in hand, crafters can quickly and easily look up any of 100 sheep breeds, the characteristics of their fleece, and the kinds of projects for which their fleece is best suited. In terms of fleece qualities, think of Rambouillet as a Merino cousin with a bit more bounce. Daily we published at the show Aug. 6 – 9. It felts easily. It’s superior softness and effective insulation won’t leave you missing its Merino cousin. Learn about a Merino wool alternative Rambouillet. Her work has also recently appeared in Sunset and 5280. The excerpt below comes from the section, “Rambouillet.”. Canadian subscriptions: 1 year (includes postage & GST). “The Field Guide to Fleece,” by Deborah Robson and Carol Ekarius, answers all of your fleece questions in one simple and portable reference to the wool characteristics of 100 sheep breeds. Bozeman, Mont. “On the planet, it’s the premier place for these animals to live,” he said, noting that climate, food and lack of stress on the sheep (read: no predators) combine to create a kind of terroir for wool. The answer depends on who you ask — especially when the sheep in question is merino and its wool is going toward a cozy baselayer or pair of socks. Elisabeth Kwak-Hefferan is a Fort Collins-based freelance writer and editor who covers the outdoors, environment, health, science, and culture. The first cross was expressed as 1/2 blood; the same applied for 3/8 blood and 1/4 blood. Helle Rambouillet Merino Wool – Grown in Montana. Helle Rambouillet has more variation and crimp for some natural elasticity. Hi, thanks for stopping by. Helle Rambouillet, (ram-boo-ley) is a third generation sheep ranch located in beautiful Southwest Montana. Each breed profile includes a photo of the animal and information about its origin and conservation status, as well as the weight, staple length, fiber diameter, and natural colors of its fleece. “We’re not trying to do a bait and switch, but it’s information overload.” Besides, “Rambouillet is still considered merino.”, Farm to Feet, purveyor of made-in-America wool socks, takes a similar approach. The Merino sheep family consists of several breeds, including the Delaine and Rambouillet. The wool grade was simply defined as a percentage of Merino genetics. Already a Member? “It’s a lot like dogs — it’s the difference between a golden retriever and a goldendoodle.” Anderson said the varieties have been bred to survive in different conditions: Merino thrive in areas with lots of vegetation and more stable climates, while the U.S. sheep are better suited to drier conditions and harsher, more variable seasons. Rambouillet Sheep | Breed Profile. Merino Wool Facts. Merino wool is warmer and generally softer than other wools. Our flock was derived from a naturally selected line of range lambing Rambouillet ewes. It has bounce and life.” Every Duckworth shirt bears the label “Helle Rambouillet Fine American Wool.” “Just calling it merino doesn’t do either one of us justice,” said Pulkinnen.
2020 rambouillet wool vs merino