Probable cause is a requirement in criminal law that must be met for police to make an arrest, conduct a search, seize property, or obtain a warrant. probable definition: 1. likely to be true or likely to happen: 2. likely to be true or likely to happen: 3. likely to…. Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield said a suspected case "is someone who fits the criteria of travel exposure or exposure to a confirmed case and has symptoms consistent with Covid-19 before they are tested". Learn more. There are several ways to classify a “probable COVID-19 case”. Confirmed Case: Meet the probable case definition plus have pneumococcal infection confirmed by blood culture or other isolation of pneumococci from normally sterile site. Probable cause definition: reasonable grounds for holding a belief, esp such as will justify bringing legal... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Here is the difference between a suspected case and a probable case, as well as the case definitions set by the Ministry of Health. Not a case: A case that has been investigated and subsequently found not to meet either the probable or confirmed case definition. Probable definition: If you say that something is probable , you mean that it is likely to be true or likely... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples > Probable cause is the existence of such facts and circumstances as would excite the belief in a reasonable mind, acting on the facts within the knowledge of the prosecutor, that the person charged was guilty of the crime for which he was prosecuted Probable cause definition, reasonable ground for a belief, as, in a criminal case, that the accused was guilty of the crime, or, in a civil case, that grounds for the action existed: used especially as a defense to an action for malicious prosecution. A probable COVID-19 case could mean one of two things: 1) It is likely that you had a COVID-19 infection or 2) It is likely that you have a current COVID-19 infection but it has not been confirmed through a viral test. Probable Case: Meet the suspect case definition plus have pneumonia on chest X-ray. The only way to confirm if one is currently infected and contagious is through a viral test. See more. By creating a case definition, public health professionals are better equipped to study an outbreak and determine possible causes.