Postmodern theory tends to view history, society, culture and language as imposed by oppressive power structures. Social Constructs A willingness to dismiss things that are widely viewed as objective reality as mere social or cultural constructs. Postmodernism trait in a marketing and/or marketing communication context 3. Postmodernism contrasts with reductionism but compares to complexity theory, holism, and systems theory. Postmodernism is both a theory and a practice. In short, postmodernism was a response to the value-laden judgments of modernism that turned a critical lens on concepts of best systems and structures. It is actually a broader term that is used in various fields such as philosophy, art, music and critical theory. The city of Las Vegas became the ultimate expression of postmodern architecture. Postmodern criminologists say that the modern formula for knowledge and truth has failed and the evidence is the racism, sexism, imperialism and class exploitation found in society. Relevance of postmodern trait for digital media (mobile phone and social media) The framework for this chapter is depicted in Figure 2.1. Postmodernism broadly refers to a socio-cultural and literary theory, and a shift in perspective that has manifested in a variety of disciplines including the social sciences, art, architecture, literature, fashion, communications, and technology. 2. Famous theorists. Figure 2.1: Chapter framework of Chapter 2 Defining postmode-rnism Complexity Theory Postmodernism & marketing Postmodern traits Two of the classic texts in the field, Gergen 2001 and Berger and Luckmann 1966 , show how the theory, originally bred in the humanities, is a blend of linguistics (analysis of grammar, inflections, word structure) and cultural criticism (analysis of symbols in written and oral communications, behaviors, and traditions). Postmodernism serves as a striking contradiction to classical foundations of philosophy in critical theory … Theorists associated with postmodernism often used the … POST-MODERNISM Postmodernism in the literal sense means that it evolved after modernism.
2020 postmodern theory definition