Purpose: PhD enrolment and PhD courses, lab studies, analyses VCS Denmark Ltd (VCS), Water Quality Specialist Anne Esbjørn, mth 16 – 36, duration 1 mth. As a PhD student enrolled at the Faculty of Science (SCIENCE) you must complete coursework corresponding to approx. The scientific part of the day will culminate with rewards for the best talks that will be chosen by the audience on Zoom. The PhD programme is part of the PhD School at the Faculty of Humanities. PhD The PhD programme is a 3-year research education, you can apply for, if you have obtained a relevant master degree recognized by The Danish Agency for Higher Education. The department organizes in collaboration with the Faculty's PhD School and a number of Danish and international collaborators a number of international research courses for PhD students: Nationwide, an annual course is organized at Sandbjerg in cooperation with Aarhus University and the University of Southern Denmark. This autumn the following PhD students will present their research projects at the roundtable… Vacant PhD scholarships at the Faculty of Law 2020.11.18 PhD Courses. You can participate in courses offered by the Faculty of Science, other faculties and Universities in Denmark as well as international courses. As PhD student you work on an independent research project that can either stand alone or be part of a collective project. Ph.d.-student: Nao Takeuchi-Storm, nao@sund.ku.dk Status: Forsvaret 22. marts 2019 Den store leverikte, på latin Fasciola hepatica, er en parasitisk fladorm (ikte), som inficerer drøvtyggere og flere andre pattedyr, inklusive mennesket. During this event, there will be a variety of keynote speakers, PhD-student elevator pitches and breaks allowing time for networking. B. Hansen and Bjarne W. Strobel, mth 6–42, for 7 mth. The PhD Day aims at stimulating scientific discussions and improve networking. Læs mere om fasciolosis. Biostatistics and Bioinformatics PhD Graduate Programme, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen. Researchers present wild theory: Water may be naturally occurring on all rocky planets You can also find an elaborate overview of the structure of the PhD programme, courses, rules and notices. University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark, Prof. Hans Chr. 30 ECTS . At the PhD School homepage you will find all relevant information of how to apply for a PhD scholarship at the faculty, including the Saxo Institute.