Standard Tools uses 4 air exchanges to design our spray paint booths and uses the 100 lfm as a secondary reference. For a good overview of all paint booth code compliance check out this article. The total flow through the booth would be 22,400 cubic feet per minute (CFM) (16 x 14 x 100). The proper design for the booth must take into account all the applicable booth code requirements that affect operator and plant safety – and there are many. The correct way to size a fan for a booth is to move the air across the product at about 100 to 150 ft/min. This can be a difficult task as a spray paint booth with 100 lfm when empty may be 150 lfm when a large auto or other obstacle is in the paint booth. Important codes that paint booths comply with include National Fire Code 1, NFPA 33, OSHA, and a few others. This informative PDF walks you through the Three Essentials of a spray booth solution: Protecting employees and facilities at … From the design velocity you can calculate ventilation flow rates and air changes. For example, if your booth is 16 feet wide by 14 feet tall and is a crossdraft design, typical velocity in the booth would be 100 feet per minute (fpm). This means a booth 10ftw x 8ft tall (80squft) moving at 100FPM will require a 8000CFM fan. Or at 150FPM, 12000CFM. Does not matter how long the booth is, just keep the cross section down. Why Paint Booth CFM is Important Paint booths are designed to meet a minimum air flow requirement to be compliant with national codes that govern spray booths. Powdercoat booths are required to have 60 lfm.
2020 paint booth design calculations