Poke holes all over each sweet potato with a fork to allow the steam to escape when cooking. }, if (typeof siteads.queue !== 'undefined') { Leaf Group Ltd. 2020 if (typeof siteads.queue !== 'undefined') { Texas A&M AgriLife Extension: Aggie Horticulture: What Is The Difference Between A Sweet Potato And A Yam? }, Particularly when the microwave is right there and the outcome is exactly the same. Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin A and beta-carotene, unlike their starchy white counterparts. Unless ","url":"https:\/\/www.lifehacker.com.au\/2020\/11\/just-microwave-your-sweet-potatoes\/","img":"https:\/\/www.lifehacker.com.au\/content\/uploads\/sites\/4\/2020\/11\/10\/o0pliiegnou2vh5kcxft-scaled.jpg","category":"Life","published_at":1604996100,"updated_at":1605004524,"kind":"article"},"ad_location":"out-of-page-mobile","provider":"google-dfp","element_id":"ad-slot_out-of-page-mobile_section-index-1"} ); any of the products or services that are advertised on the web site. The prep is easy: Just wash your sweet tubers and poke a bunch of holes in them with a fork, then place them on a paper towel or microwave-safe plate and microwave them for five minutes at full power, turning halfway through the cook. Poke holes along each side of the sweet potato with a fork, at least 4 sets on each side. Place the sweet potatoes on a microwave-safe plate. She received her Bachelor's degree from West Virginia University. If you know you have a powerful microwave that tends to cook foods fast, reduce the cooking time by a few minutes. 5 siteads.queue.push( {"site":"lifehacker","pagetype":"article","ad_type":"article","sec":"life","amp":false,"ctype":"article","article":"just microwave your sweet potatoes","article-tags":["microwave","skillet","sweet potatoes","thanksgiving"],"native":["lifehacker_test_1"],"aggregate":["microwave","skillet","sweet potatoes","thanksgiving"],"pageID":["lifehacker_test_1"],"sub-sec":"","cat":"life","cat1":"","item":{"objectid":1035824,"title":"Just Microwave Your Sweet Potatoes","text":"Thanksgiving dinner is not the easiest, so I\u2019m always looking for ways to decrease both the stress felt and the effort exerted in its preparation. Microwave oven cooking times may vary. Flip the sweet potatoes over with tongs about halfway through the desired cooking time. LIVESTRONG.com may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. The material appearing on LIVESTRONG.COM is for educational use only. Reset the microwave timer and cook the sweet potatoes for another 3 to 9 minutes, depending on the number of potatoes. Louisiana State University Agricultural Center: Sweet Potatoes "Louisiana Yams", Military Officers Association of America: Sweet Potatoes: Microwaved Sweet Potatoes, The Kitchn: How To Bake a Potato: Three Easy Methods, North Carolina Sweet Potatoes: How to Cook Sweet Potatoes, PARTNER & LICENSEE OF THE LIVESTRONG FOUNDATION. Unless ","url":"https:\/\/www.lifehacker.com.au\/2020\/11\/just-microwave-your-sweet-potatoes\/","img":"https:\/\/www.lifehacker.com.au\/content\/uploads\/sites\/4\/2020\/11\/10\/o0pliiegnou2vh5kcxft-scaled.jpg","category":"Life","published_at":1604996100,"updated_at":1605004524,"kind":"article"},"ad_location":"mrec-content-mobile","targeting":{"pos":"1"},"provider":"google-dfp","element_id":"ad-slot_mrec-content-mobile_section-index-1_pos-1"} ); Small potatoes usually finish cooking before larger potatoes, so remove the small potatoes and continue to cook the large potatoes until done. Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin A and beta-carotene, unlike their starchy white counterparts. Place the sweet potatoes on a cutting board and cut away any woody or bruised sections of the sweet potato with a sharp knife. Thanksgiving dinner is not the easiest, so I’m always looking for ways to decrease both the stress felt and the effort exerted in its preparation. Privacy Policy Scrub and dry your sweet potato and then pierce it on all sides with a fork, 5 or 6 … There really is no reason to get the oven involved; I hear the oven may be otherwise occupied anyway. If you prefer crispy skinned sweet potatoes, you can cook the potatoes in the microwave for 5-6 minutes, then unwrap your sweep potato and transfer it to a baking sheet and bake in an oven preheated to 400 °F (204 °C) for 20 minutes. When you want to have this healthy, vitamin-packed treat at the ready, pop a few sweet potatoes in the microwave and reheat them through the week as needed. Scrub the sweet potatoes under cold running water to remove any dirt or harmful chemicals. Advertisement Terms of Use siteads.queue.push( {"site":"lifehacker","pagetype":"article","ad_type":"article","sec":"life","amp":false,"ctype":"article","article":"just microwave your sweet potatoes","article-tags":["microwave","skillet","sweet potatoes","thanksgiving"],"native":["lifehacker_test_1"],"aggregate":["microwave","skillet","sweet potatoes","thanksgiving"],"pageID":["lifehacker_test_1"],"sub-sec":"","cat":"life","cat1":"","item":{"objectid":1035824,"title":"Just Microwave Your Sweet Potatoes","text":"Thanksgiving dinner is not the easiest, so I\u2019m always looking for ways to decrease both the stress felt and the effort exerted in its preparation. The potatoes will continue to soften during the rest period. Make Excessively Decadent Mashed Potatoes With Bagna Cauda, A Collection of the Best Potato Hacks You’ll Ever Find. Push a fork into the center of the potatoes to see if the potatoes are soft to the center. Once the sweet potatoes (or yams) are tender, you can eat them as-is or with butter and salt, or you can scrape out their insides to make sweet potato pie, some sort of mash, or sweet potato casserole. One of the easiest ways to do this is to cook your sweet potatoes (or yams) in the dang microwave. A former cake decorator and competitive horticulturist, Amelia Allonsy is most at home in the kitchen or with her hands in the dirt. You can serve the microwaved sweet potatoes plain or add toppings and spices like butter, cinnamon and nutmeg. Set the microwave on the high setting and cook the potatoes for about 3 minutes for up to two potatoes, 5-1/2 minutes for three to four potatoes and 9 minutes for five or more potatoes. Check for doneness by poking each sweet potato with a paring knife. (Then eat it with butter.). One of the easiest ways to do this is to cook your sweet potatoes (or yams) in the dang microwave. first time you cook a sweet potato in the microwave, you may want to start by cooking for 5 minutes (2 minutes and 30 seconds on each side) and adding time if needed . Moreover, we do not select every advertiser or advertisement that appears on the web site-many of the Likewise, if your microwave tends to require more cooking time, increase the time by a few minutes. Though they seem to take forever to cook, a microwave oven allows you to cook a sweet potato in a fraction of the time it takes in a conventional oven. If the blade slides through with ease, they’re done. used as a substitute for professional medical advice, Microwave several sweet potatoes at once to save time versus baking. Unless you are making sweet potatoes fries or some other dish of diced, sliced, or chopped sweet potatoes where the goal is crispiness or browning, there is no reason to waste the time and energy required to roast whole — or even halved — sweet potatoes in your oven. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use and If you plan to serve the potatoes whole, rub the skin with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. To make the pea and feta filling, microwave the peas on high for 2–3 minutes, until …
2020 microwave 2 sweet potatoes