MAPLE SEED DISPERSAL - THE FINAL This topic submitted by Katie, Wendi, Emily, and Leah ( at 6:07 pm on 12/8/00.Additions were last made on … Red maple-Dispersal biomechanics-The red maple fruit is a double samara, and the two samaras that form the fruit are united at their bases (i.e., seed end; Harlow et al., 1991). Seed dispersal prevents the parent plant from having to share resources -- water, nutrients and light -- with offspring growing up nearby. Particularly for trees, seeds need to disperse away from the parent tree's canopy, where they have a chance of receiving enough light for growth after germination. As the fruit ripens, an abscission layer forms between the two samaras. The pedicel attaches to the fruit at the apex of this union. Sycamore maple seed. In this lesson, we learn that: The table describes the most common methods of seed dispersal: Method Detail Examples; Wind: Seeds have lightweight parts, wings or parachutes: Dandelion, sycamore: Check out the Full Lesson on Pollination and Seed Dispersal! Upon maturity, the samaras Maple seeds glide down slowly and can be carried by wind to land far from the tree it grew on.
2020 maple seed dispersal