It’s an amazing thing to see (and experience yourself! Laid-back breastfeeding, also called Biological Nurturing, is a method of baby led breastfeeding that starts with the mother first being in a comfortable reclined position. Advice for helping to get your baby to latch more deeply while breastfeeding. Laid-back breastfeeding allows a newborn’s natural reflexes and a breastfeeding parent’s innate behaviors to work together to encourage breastfeeding success while the parent literally lies back. GET A FREE ONE by using the coupon code: MILKOLOGY1 and just pay shipping! Encourage your baby to open their mouth by rubbing their cheek or the tip of your nipple on their lips, until the baby latches. The laid-back breastfeeding position is very comfortable for both mom and baby, as you can lean back in a chair or in bed and place your little one on your chest.. Use your hand to keep the baby’s bottom in place and their body firmly against yours. Tagged: Shallow latch, deep latch, laid back nursing, rugby hold, breastfeeding support. Here is a video to show what this process looks like. The keys to this position are: -tummy to tummy on top of mummy -baby is given time to seek the breast -baby is free to explore the mother's body with… Having a breastfeeding pillow is great to have on hand to easily get in a more comfortable position. Most babies will latch on the best when they are supported to self-attach on their own, with the mother in the “laid-back” breastfeeding position, or self-attachment in the “koala” hold. Getting a deeper latch and reduce pain and improve milk transfer. )…
2020 laid back breastfeeding shallow latch