Answering this and many other questions will help you know exactly who you will be dealing with and how to meet them at their point of need. You may be asking. Lack of these nutrients, at a specific age, will lead to low immunity, stunted growth, and impaired development. Buying a Poultry Egg Incubators in Kenya: What are the Considerations? Hope i change my kienyeji way of rearing kienyeji chicken. A revenue model will help you determine how to get the most value to your customers. If your customer buys eggs based on price, you will know how to control your production so that you can sell a price your customer will be comfortable with. Kindly confirm and share your affordable costs This could be drinkers, feeders, crates, nests, perches, trays for eggs, lights, incubators among others.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'kienyeji_org-medrectangle-4','ezslot_7',118,'0','0'])); This will form about 70% of your farm expenses and must be thought through very carefully. Seeing a Sudden Drop in Kienyeji Chicken Egg Production? The house should be constructed in such a way that the farmer will be able to collect eggs without stressing the birds, and in the least time possible. This allows the chicken to benefit from the bugs in the animal droppings. Why keep Kienyeji chicken instead of hybrid broilers or layers? Less water leads to poor digestion, meaning that the feed given goes to waste and the chicken farmer will not achieve the desired results. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. Indigenous chicken, also known as Kienyeji are much sought after because of the quality of their meat and eggs. They are also referred to as village chicken or road runners in other regions. Increased demand for Kienyeji eggs and Kienyeji meat -  As Kenyans become more health-conscious, there is increased demand for Kienyeji eggs and meat. Breeding Indegenous breeds with hybrid chickens. How can i please downloading the business plan ? This will lead to several health issues and will have a negative effect. Lighting affects chicken development and productivity. Copyright 2019 - . You can get our Chicken Feed Formulation manual at, Chicken farming manual at, eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'kienyeji_org-box-4','ezslot_9',119,'0','0']));Chicken Housing manual at Research their unique attributes, visit farms, ask questions and make a decision. These are some of the things you can include in your plan: Poultry farming has so many small sub sectors one can invest in. Whether you are keeping chicken for eggs, note that you will not make money until you sell the product. Rainbow rooster is imported to Kenya by KukuChic Limited, who hatch the eggs and sell chicks across the country. A good start up can go for as low as kshs. Food, Water, lighting and other poultry needs are provided by the farmer. Grover pullet finisher contains 16% protein. Manufacture of poultry equipment o… Developed by IndBro in India, as a part of a government-funded program to improve the livelihood of rural low-income earners. A chicken farming business plan acts as a road map that will help you achieve the envisioned success. Here is the business plan you need to as written by Dr. Watson Messo, a Vet at Kenchic: The best chicken farming business plan: The Executive summary We are fixing a reported issue on downloading the business plan. Milestones are those important stages that your chicken business will pass through. Why go into chicken farming? There is a misconception in the market that you can give your chicken one type of feed for all different ages. When it comes to chicken farming, things are not any different. In this article, we look at exactly that. They might be based on achieving certain production metrics or a certain income level. 5. Seeing a Sudden Drop in Kienyeji Chicken Egg Production? Boschveld Indigenous Chicken Breed Information and management. Research by the Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) of the United Nations, recorded that village chickens lay an average of 23 eggs per year (In Gambia) and an average of 123 eggs per year (Ethiopia). Keeping chicken for meat. I might like fluffy pillows made of soft chicken feathers. A chicken business plan will help you better understand your customers and how to serve them. The goal of Value Magazine is to offer beneficial content on agribusiness, value addition, manufacturing, and productivity. NB: The Kienyeji Chicken Farming Business Plan is available for download at the bottom of this article. This method not recommended for large scale commercial farming. This would be similar to feeding a human baby the same feed e.g rice and beans from birth until they grow old. The Surest Way to Market and Make Profits from Your Poultry Farm, How your Kienyeji Chicken and Eggs can Stand out in the market and beat the competition, Why your Kienyeji Chicken Sometimes eat each other (Cannibalism) or Engage in Feather Pecking, Rearing your Own Termites and Harvesting them to Feed Your Chicken, How to Succeed With Kienyeji Chicken Farming, How to Produce 200 Kienyeji Chicken Every Month Like a Boss, Simple Mistakes to Avoid When Raising Kienyeji Chickens, Helping Your Kienyeji Chicken Lay Eggs in Your Laying Boxes, Association of Kenya Feed Manufacturers-AKEFEMA, Beat the Competition through Efficient Poultry Farming Techniques, Brooding Tips: Preparations for Chick Brooding. A well researched and thought out business plan will act as the lighthouse that leads you to the shores of success. When it comes to chicken farming, things are not any different. You will be offering value to your customers and they will be paying for that value. By Value Magazine Team on 25 December 2019 at 03:01 pm, Kienyeji Chicken - Copyright - Nicholas Githiri, Fenced Kienyeji Chicken House Layout with Foot Bath at the entrance. How often do they need your product? packaging? kindly share with us different feed formulation for different stages of both kiemyeji and other chicken. In free range they are allowed to roam freely in search of food. 20,000 or 50,000 all the way to 100,000 to 200,000. Food and water are provided by the farmer. The difference in numbers from Gambia and Ethiopia is because in Ethiopia, farmers we found to interfere with the laying cycle, by discouraging brooding. 3. The hardiness of kienyeji chicken - Kienyeji chicken are known to be hardy. Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. Under the free-range system, the chicken are left to roam around the farm and scavenge for their own food. Please read the section on "Feeding Kienyeji Chicken" above. Kienyeji chicken can be profitable if you run your chicken farming enterprise like a business, with a proper chicken business plan. These challenges led to a number of organizations, in Kenya and abroad to undertake research to improve the village (kienyeji) chickens. Regards You might find it cheaper to partner with a feed supplier who delivers chicken feed to your farm than having to go to the shops and buy. The first thing that catches your eye when you arrive at Leamose Poultry Farm is a flock of multi-coloured indigenous chicken darting joyously from side to side inside a wire mesh … This is not the case for Kienyeji chicken, which are usually ready for slaughter at between 4 to 6 months, depending on the breed. For instance, if the chicken takes 5 grams of food, they need 10 grams of water. This is one of the major questions your chicken farming business plan will be answering. Business income Little social importance Credit based on assets Hybrids (broilers or layers) Low mortality Balanced feeds Several vaccination schemes Full medication Houses with cages or deep litter Egg production: 250-300 eggs/y/hen No broodiness Growth rate = 50-55 g/day . Source: KALRO, Please make your comments as descriptive as possible. Are you rearing KARI breed, Kuroiler, Rainbow Rooster, Kenbrow or which one? Will they work fulltime or parttime? If you have a large flock it is recommended that you make your own feeds as this will help you cut down on costs significantly. There is no protection from predators. Will they be willing to pay for it? Since the business plans have an outlook of three to 5 years, you will not be swayed by every new fad that comes your way. Hi It is important for a business that wants to make an impact and be successful to have a business plan. Below are the qualities of good housing for your Kienyeji Chicken: The house and range/chicken run should keep the chicken safe from predators. When your chicken is comfortable, they will be more productive. Swelling of the Crop In Kienyeji Chicken; How your Kienyeji Chicken and Eggs can Stand out in the market and beat the competition; Why your Kienyeji Chicken Sometimes eat each other (Cannibalism) or Engage in Feather Pecking Manufacture of poultry equipment or sale of equipment. Formulation of chicken feeds for sale. Breeding Indegenous breeds that have good qualities with other indegenous breeds that have good qualities.
2020 kienyeji chicken business plan