Using Bona Refresher As A Floor Polish Instead Of Using Floor Wax: How To Make Hardwood Floors Shine Without Damaging Them! Although many people use wax to polish floors, there are other ways to polish floors without wax. They including the following: i. Baking Soda Paste Regular foot traffic and cleaning with store-bought cleaners and wax causes hardwood to look scuffed, dirty and dull. But you can revive a hardwood floor to make it look new and add a wet shine to it as well. Valerie says. Although many people use wax to polish tile floors, there are other ways to polish it without wax. Here are some DIY ways to make tiles shine without the use of wax. There are different ways to clean your tile floor without using wax. Apply a high-quality paste polish, designed for wood. This page may contain affiliate links for which we receive a commission. I used it and could not remove it without using a floor stripper. Make sure the floor is completely dry. It’ll give your floor a nice lemony scent without using any chemicals. DIY Ways To Make Tile Floors Shine Without Wax. It makes your floor shine but it is not dulling like a wax and it does not have to be buffed. To get the floor as clean as possible, scrub it with a soft brush and dry it with old towels. Tile floors lose their shine by hiding stains, dirt, and dust spread over them by shoes. Olive Oil, White Vinegar, & Water : Mix all three of these natural ingredients together and you’ll know how to make hardwood floors shine naturally. To get the look of a freshly cleaned, shiny and wet hardwood floor, you'll only need some common household items. We write about products and services that we use. September 8, 2014 at 11:59 am. When you go to refinish the floors, the polish will not come off. Fortunately, simple and natural products are able to make tile products shine without the need for wax or other chemical products. One of the realities of a wax finish is that it doesn't last forever, and at some point, you won't be able to restore the shine by buffing. First you have to dilute the juice with some water, then you can use it to shine your floor.
2020 how to make floor shine without wax