CITI, CREN, CMBI. GXS (OpenText GXS) is a subsidiary of OpenText Corporation headquartered in Gaithersburg, Maryland, United States. WEEKLY TOTAL $9.6bn – IPO $993m – ABB/BLOCK $6.3bn – FOLLOW-ON $1.65bn – CB $705m Monday. Through its subsidiaries, the Company is engaged in the provision of online K-12 after-school tutoring services. 跟誰學(英語:GSX Techedu Inc.,NASDAQ:GSX)是一間於美國納斯達克股票交易所上市的中國民營企業。 GSX Techedu Inc., a technology-driven education company, provides online K-12 after-school tutoring services in the People's Republic of China. It also offers foreign language, professional and interest courses. MS. Add-on to $287.5m principal 0.5% notes due 2024. BMO, SVBL. GSX Techedu Inc. (GSX) estimates and forecasts. Larry Xiangdong Chen is the founder and chairman of GSX Techedu, a U.S.-listed education firm that went public on the New York Stock Exchange in 2019. Since 2004, GXS has invested more than $250 million in GXS Trading Grid. Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer. Since 2004, GXS has invested more than $250 million in GXS Trading Grid. Volume today is elevated. So far 13,267,555 shares have traded compared to average volume of 6,563,070 shares. The company added +155.58% of value to its shares in past 6 months, showing an annual growth rate of 170.59% while that of industry is 8.2. GSX Techedu Inc. is a technology-driven education company, and provides online K-12 after school tutoring services in the People's Republic of China. Nasdaq "CAN". As of on the New York Stock Exchange ∙ Minimum 15 minute delay, Gsx Announces Q3 2020 Non-Gaap Basic And Diluted Net Loss Per Ads Were RMB3.62, GSX Reports Qtrly Net Income PER Share RMB 0.11, Citron Research Says Has Been Forwarding New Materials To SEC On GSX. Gsx (gene family) GSX Techedu a large Chinese online tutoring company. GSX Techedu is a technology-driven education company that provides online K-12 after-school tutoring services in China. GSX may refer to: . 5m units (100% prim) at $10.00. Quote and financial data from Refinitiv. GSX TECHEDU INC. is a China-based holding company principally involved in the provision of technology-driven education services. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. GSX TECHEDU INC. is a China-based holding company principally involved in the provision of technology-driven education services. 跟誰學(英語:GSX Techedu Inc.,NASDAQ:GSX)是一間於美國納斯達克股票交易所上市的中國民營企業。, 跟誰學於2014年月6月成立,其創辦人陳向東曾經在新東方擔任執行總裁[1][2]。2015年3月,公司宣佈從A輪融資獲得5,000萬美元,打破當時由小米科技保持的中國A輪融資的募資紀錄[1]。2015年11月,福布斯稱跟誰學為「2015年中國成長最快的科技公司」。2019年6月6日,跟誰學在美國納斯達克股票交易所掛牌上市。[3], 跟誰學的業務主是要以O2O模式替學生尋找教師[1]。截至2015年3月,跟誰學已有約5萬名老師登記[4]。陳向東聲稱主講老師的課堂平均每班有1,700人參與[5]。, 2020年2月,美國沽空機構灰熊研究(Grizzly Research)發表沽空報吿稱,根據一家第三方供應商的記錄,跟誰學購買超過20萬個虛假的微信賬號[6][7] 。灰熊研究指跟誰學的學生數量及營收誇大九倍,又指董事長陳向東已經質押股票,價值至少3.18億美元,認為跟誰學的股票長期持有者將面臨股價暴跌風險[6]。報告更表明跟誰學是個「徹頭徹尾的騙局」,敦促投資者和監管機構立即調查此事[6]。此報告獲得知名沽空公司渾水研究於推特轉發[6]。, 跟誰學反駁指報告中出現了大量信息篡改及偽造圖片,認為指控「完全不合邏輯」,將向公安機關求助[7]。, 2020年4月中,沽空機構香櫞研究(Citron Research)發表沽空報告,指跟誰學四成用戶為假學生,高達七成收入是虛報[8],又認為有關聯公司協助做數[9]。, 4月末,香櫞研究發表第二份報告,報告指有第三方公司與跟誰學管理層簽了合同,提供假帳戶及刷流量服務。有第三方公司員工指跟誰學有四成學生均是假帳戶[9]。另外香櫞研究發現跟誰學的關聯公司在內地發布招聘廣告,但關聯公司的工作地址均是跟誰學的辦公室,質疑跟誰學將成本從帳面上轉移到關聯公司[9]。香櫞研究最後把報告寄送到中美兩地證監機構作為舉報材料[9]。, 陳向東稱香櫞訪問的人士是在作偽證,指控內容屬捏造,而他跟本不認識報告中提到的關連公司[9]。更認為香櫞代表了「背後的巨大利益」,認為自己及公司「出來混遲早是要還的」[9]。跟誰學聲明則表示,報告無據可查,認為香櫞研究試圖混淆視聽[9]。, 8月,香櫞研究於推特三度發文质疑跟谁学存在證券詐欺行為[10][11]。發文後,跟誰學股價一度下跌兩成[12]。, 2020年5月,美國知名沽空公司渾水研究發表沽空報吿,指跟據一名跟誰學的前經理及數據,跟誰學至少有7成,甚至有8成的用戶是虛假用戶[2][13]。渾水研究指虛假用戶分4種活動模式,其中一種更以精確到秒的時間加入同一堂課,渾水認為真人用戶發生這種情況的可能性非常低[14]。另外,超過三成學生或教師被發現至少一次共享IP地址[15]。而渾水認為有至少有八成至九成營收造假[2],認為跟誰學是一家有大規模虧損的企業[16]。渾水研究當時表示正在沽空跟誰學[17]。報吿發表後股價一度下跌一成七[14]。, 跟誰學回應稱,報告數據「來源混亂,且充滿了對公司業務的無知」[13],又指跟誰學「每個數據都是極其真實的」[5]。渾水行政總裁Carson Block(英语:Carson Block)回應指每次公開中國企業的不當行為時,都會得到「渾水不了解公司運作模式」的回應,又指將繼續披露更多證據,認為跟學誰的下場將與瑞幸咖啡財務造假事件一樣。又表示中證監應開始進行調查,否則會令很多美國人認為中證監無意嚴格監管在美上市的中國公司[18]。, 渾水研究其後再發表沽空報吿,指跟誰學公開招募工程師,協助建立機械人程式充當用戶。認為跟誰學「幾乎是空殼(almost completely empty box)」,公布的業務數據太好,令人「難以相信」。[13], 【美股市況】道指倒升46點納指挫0.9% 阿里巴巴ADR低港股1.9%(不斷更新),跟誰學&oldid=62936073. HIGHLIGHTS * Acushnet Holdings Corp : Stephens raises target price to $27 from $24 * Equity Residential... Filipino teacher Raven Kate De Leon is in demand, spending up to 10 hours a day at her home computer surrounded by mini cars and stuffed toys that she uses as props to inject fun into her English classes for students far away in China. GSX Techedu Inc. (NYSE: GSX) (“GSX Techedu” or the “Company”) is a technology-driven education company and a leading online K-12 large-class after-school tutoring service provider in China. 跟誰學(英語: GSX Techedu Inc. ,NASDAQ:GSX),是一間隸屬於北京百家科技集团有限公司的中國学习服务平台,屬民營企業,成立於2014年6月。 跟誰學於2019年6月6日在美國納斯達克股票交易所掛牌 … Advertise With Us Its GXS Trading Grid managed more than twelve billion transactions in 2011. GSX Techedu reported a net loss of 933 million yuan (about $142 million). China online education firm Yuanfudao to raise $1.2 billion to nearly double valuation: sources, Citron's Andrew Left digs in heels on GSX short after 200% rally, Chinese online tutor Zuoyebang seeks $600-$800 million at $6.5 billion valuation: sources, U.S. RESEARCH ROUNDUP-Acushnet Holdings, Equity Residential, Fiserv, Online tutors boosting incomes as demand surges due to coronavirus lockdowns. 14 investors indicated an interest in 5% of the ADSs. Statistics highlight that GSX Techedu Inc. is scoring comparatively higher than the scores of other players of the relevant industry. Fund performance data provided by Lipper. The Company conducts its businesses in Mainland China. 10m units (100% prim) at $10.00. GSX Techedu serves customers in China. GSX Techedu Inc (GSX) stock is trading at $76.04 as of 2:57 PM on Wednesday, Jul 8, an increase of $6.98, or 10.11% from the previous closing price of $69.06. 10m ADSs (100% prim) at $9.00 versus $9-$11 marketing. In GSX Techedu's press release, it highlighted net revenue of 1.966 billion yuan (about $300 million).
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