Photo by Graham Osborne. Here’s what was recorded… But before we get on to great whites, there was a black-necked grebe at Adwick Washland today - and still there at the time of writing. The other first sighting was of a Hobby in flight over Vinson's Marsh from Ron Barker Hide this afternoon. As the name suggests, this tall, white heron is considerably larger than the similar little egret. Great White Egret at West Hythe (Dale Gibson) With records in ten of the last 11 years, and with the species being seen with increasing frequency in the county, further occurrences seem highly likely and 2018 was the first year to produce four sightings. Once a rare visitor to the UK, sightings have become more common … Highlights include great white egret, merlin and these white-fronted geese. A Great White Egret was seen in flight from the Reedbed walk area in the morning which is the first sighting of the year of this species, also at least 2 Little Egret around today. NOVEMBER VIS (V)/ NOC (N) MIG: Saturday 7th. Brambling - Lower Pertwood - Tim Ridgers-Steer. The Great White Egret and 2 Caspian Gulls (both juveniles) kept up their appearances on Kilnsea wetlands plus a Teal, 3 Pochard, 21 Little Egret, 5 Little Grebe, 11 Black-tailed Godwit, 6 Greenshank, 236 Redshank, 2000 Dunlin, 2 Curlew Sandpiper, 2 Common Sandpiper, 2 Green Sandpiper, 60 Sandwich Tern and 4 Mediterranean Gull. The great egret (Ardea alba), also known as the common egret, large egret, or (in the Old World) great white egret or great white heron is a large, widely distributed egret, with four subspecies found in Asia, Africa, the Americas, and southern Europe.Distributed across most of the tropical and warmer temperate regions of the world, it builds tree nests in colonies close to water. Also Teal and Shoveler from Ron Barker. Severn Bridge Viewpoint, Aust: (V) Chaffinch 1891, Great White Egret 2, Brambling 28, Starling 2972, Hawfinch 4, Fieldfare 598, Redwing 743, Greenfinch 40, Jack Snipe 1, Goldfinch 259, Woodpigeon 474. Standing up to 1 m (3.3 ft) tall, this species can measure 80 to 104 cm (31 to 41 in) in length and have a wingspan of 131 to 170 cm (52 to 67 in). The Great Egret is a large heron with all-white plumage. Yes, you read that title correctly. The meadow feeding station is now back in action and is popular with great-spotted woodpecker, nuthatch, greenfinch, great tits, blue tits, coal tits, house sparrows and, I … Not one but two great white egrets today – well, and at least yesterday to be fair. HEN HARRIER (ringtail) - Yidcombe - Marc Hitchman GREAT WHITE EGRET - Corsley - Phil Smith.
2020 great white egret sightings uk