Morning classes | B1.2 German classes | B1 Level, Evening classes | A1.2 German classes | A1 classes, Morning classes | A1.2 German classes | A1 classes. Other techniques to get more interactive with that essential B1 German vocabulary and grammar include the classic types of written exercises you’ll find in a course book (you can do these verbally to, use the recorder on your phone or do them live with a teacher or exchange partner). This email address is being protected from spambots. You can find practice materials for the listening, reading, writing and speaking modules here to help you prepare for the Goethe-Zertifikat B1 exam. (1) Reflexive Verben im Akkusativ . The video series "Das Bandtagebuch mit EINSHOCH6" is designed for learners from level B1 onwards who want to improve their spoken German. Er schenkt der reich___ Dame Blumen. 9 Exercises Session 9. Connect the pictures (press and drag) with the... Read More ... How well do you play football in German? Ich frage den freundlich__ Herrn an der Haltestelle. Learn German with interactive videos! 1. In these passive... Read More ... Elke's Accident - A History in the Past: Suitable for levels A2/B1. - German vocabulary exercise for New Year's Eve and New Year's activities in Germany. Sie fährt zu ihrem best__ Freund. Wir trinken den schwarz__ Tee. 8 Exercises Session 8. Entertaining vocabulary and grammar exercises. Nominativ Singular -e, Akkusativ maskulin -en, fem. Some of these tests can also be downloaded as PDF files. They are in two different formats: multiple choice and fill in the blanks. 1. Bilingual exercises (german-english) and free sample textbooks For each German lesson you can find graded German exercises in the levels 'easy', 'medium' and 'difficult'. Ich sehe die weiß__ Wolke. An online vocabulary training for the levels A2-B2. B1.1 Exercisekurs GO! Er sucht den blau__ Kugelschreiber. Find the right activities and nouns. This publisher of German textbooks has made a number of German worksheets and online exercises available for free on their website. German Exercises. The passive is used in German to describe either actions/activities ("Passiv mit werden") or results/states ("Passiv mit sein"). For these exercises you need to add the right connectors. - This exercise will help you to learn the words around the most popular game in Germany and it is suitable... Read More ... What do the Germans do in winter? German B1 - Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: se - st. German B1 - Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: t - v. German B1 - Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: w - z. German B1 - Irregular Verbs / Exercises A vocabulary training for the levels A2-B2. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Have fun and success... Read More ... How do you feel today? Here you can find typical and common German proverbs. The exercises have a German level Exercises for learners of the German language to all important aspects of grammar: verbs, nouns, adjectives, sentence structure. Wenn es zwei Verben in einem Satz gibt, schreibt man vor  das Verb im Infinitiv "zu". You can play alone or with friends online. The best known study programs and sciences in German. Free online exercises to practice the application of grammar rules for both beginners and advanced learners. Hast du das teur__ Handy gekauft? A vocabulary training for the levels A1-B1. The following German online exercises will help you learn or expand your vocabulary on the subject of animals. Read more: Online German exercises for B1 level Online German exercises for B2 level. Practice your German for your profession with exercises from level A1 to B2. Other techniques to get more interactive with that essential B1 German vocabulary and grammar include the classic types of written exercises you’ll find in a course book (you can do these verbally to, use the recorder on your phone or do them live with a teacher or exchange partner). The video is about magic and magic tricks - you should first solve the vocabulary task at the beginning to... Read More ... Search for the right presence/past preterit and past perfect form of verbs in horse racing. 139D Nguyễn Đình Chính, P. 8, Quận Phú Nhuận TP. We wish you a lot of fun and good luck! In these german grammer exercises, you must add the missing endings for articles, nouns, and adjectives. Maria träumt ____________ ___________ reichen Mann. Rotkäppchen: Eine Übung zur Adjektivdeklination. Drag the meanings into the appropriate fields and click on "Überprüfen" to check your answers.... Read More ... What are you doing on New Year's Eve? Sie sieht das blau__ Haus, Lösungen a) -e, -e, -e, -en, -e, -e, -en b) -en, -en, -en, -en, -en c) -en, -en, -en, -en d) -e, -e, -en, -en, -e, -en, -e, -e, -en e) -en, -en, -e, -en, -en, -en, -en, -en, -en, -e © Kilian Heerkloß Deutschzentrum Wien, Opening hoursMonday - Friday / 9 am - 3 pm, Setze ein:  sich setzen, sich überlegen, sich vorbereiten auf, sich streiten, sich küssen, sich entscheiden, sich wundern über , sich gewöhnen an, sich irren, sich langweilen, Setze ein: sich erkälten, sich gewöhnen, sich treffen, sich verlieben, sich vorbereiten, sich entschuldigen, sich erholen, sich merken (Dat), sich ausdenken (Dat), sich langweilen, sich vorstellen (Dat), sich unterhalten. 5 Exercises Session 5. Which connector fits? These exercises will help you to better understand and deepen the advanced vocabulary and grammar of this level. Ich denke oft __________ meine Freundin. Suitable for GeR levels A1-A2-B1-B2-C1 With this app you can make German exercises quickly. Play alone:... Read More ... How often do you go to... / to the... ? Contact Untere Hauptstr. You can find practice materials for the listening, reading, writing and speaking modules here to help you prepare for the Goethe-Zertifikat B1 exam. 33, 85356 Freising, Germany Er erzählt den klein__ Kindern ein Märchen. On the following pages you will find selected exercises for the B2 level (advanced/intermediate 2). (fahren), Setze ein: fahren, machen, tun, gehen, kommen, wiedersehen, wohnen, verreisen, sein (2x), freuen, besuchen. und neutrum -e. a) Nominativ das warm_ Wetter, die neu_ Wohnung, der groß_ Garten, die klein_ Kinder das alt_ Haus die weiß_ Wolke die grün__ Blätter, b) Dativ mit dem neu__ Auto seit dem letzt__ Jahr bei dem gut__ Freund in der groß__ Wohnung zu den alt__ Leuten, c) Genitiv der Beginn des neu___ Jahres die Schönheit der italienisch__ Sprache die Hilfe des gute__ Freundes die Farbe der klein__ Häuser. Cultural festivals and events for all students complement and enrich our german course offerings. (ein), Ergänze die Präposition, wenn nötig, das Präpositionaladverb (davon, dafür usw.). Geben Sie mir bitte die rot__ Schuhe! Ergänzen Sie die richtigen Adjektive und Endungen in den Lücken. is a website of Sprachschule aktiv Onlinetraining GbR run since 2015 by the two company directors Martín Polo Villafan and Florian Burkhardt. Exercise 1 - Konjugation Präsens, Personalpronomen I; Exercise 2 - Bestimmter und unbestimmter Artikel I; Exercise 3 - Bestimmter und unbestimmter Artikel II Professional legalized translation service, Adjective endings in German with Little Red Riding Hood - Adjektivendungen, Adjectives, nouns and articles with dative or accusative - Dativ oder Akkusativ, Computers, computer parts and software in German, Connectors and sentence connections - Konnektoren, Emotions and feelings in German - Emotionen, German proverbs and idioms - Sprichwörter & Redewendungen, German vocabulary for New Year's Eve - Silvester, German with videos: The magician for dogs, German videos and listening texts with exercises, Medical professions, equipment and medicine in German - Berufe und Heilmittel in der Medizin, Online Passive Exercises in German - Das Passiv, Past tense in German Online exercise - Präteritumübung, Relative clauses in German - Relativsätze, Sciences and degree programs in German - Wisssenschaften, Subordinate clauses in German - Writing sentences, The animals in German language - Die Tiere, Vocabulary for football in German - Fußballspielen, Winter activities in Germany - Winteraktivitäten, Write letters and emails in German - Briefe auf Deutsch. 1. Wir besuchen die alt__ Leute im Dorf. German B1 - Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: k - m. German B1 - Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: n - r. German B1 - Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: s - sch. These exercises will help you to better understand and deepen the building vocabulary and grammar of this level, but of course they do not replace a German course. Try now available for free! - Feelings and emotions in German. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. German. Die Frau, die schön ist... -  In the following exercises you have to add or enter the appropriate relative pronouns and prepositions. 1 Exercises Session 1. Bilde aus zwei Sätzen einen Satz! 6 Exercises Session 6. Ich helfe dem krank__ Onkel. : +84 28 38 44 75 42Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots.
2020 german exercises b1