; Go to H-11 in East Ronfaure to zone into King Ranperre's Tomb. no. Make your way through the underground tunnel to the mazey bit, Make sure you get to, click on, and see the cutscene at the tombstone. Both can hit you if you aren't careful. The Maze is basially 'Y' shaped. In this area kill Ding Bats until you receive Orcish Mail Scales. Some of the spook farmers got annoyed with me running around and killing stuff. There's a lot of great advice here, especially from a post on Mon, Nov. 10 @ 8:50AM 2003 by Anonymous. For a Level 8 Red Mage turning in 6 bat fangs netted a full "rank 1 points" meter but did not grant rank 2. Enter zone and thus The First Upper Level Section (and maze). i checked the tomb got the c/s and still no drop......am i doing somthing wrong? Be Warned about their stone casting. It's far easier to handle at level 10 or higher, so all the aggro mobs in that section of the zone can be dispatched easily. IF you don't see the cut scene you haven't 'completed' the mission even if you have 90 pieces of Orcish Chain Scales. You're sent to go and check it out and bring back evidence if it has. A Level 5 character can take this quest by the horns and with some luck kill a Ding Bat in the second upper level section of the Tomb Zone... but will have to be very careful... or just follow others around the zone. https://ffxiclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Bat_Hunt?oldid=1720864. Not your goal right now either. To read the transcripts for this quest, see the Bat Hunt Spoilers page. Set the active mission for the player running the command to San d'Oria mission 1 (Bat Hunt). Got killed once in the process by a goblin. VERY IMPORTANT: ONLY THE BAT NEXT TO THE TOMBSTONE DROPS THE SCALE. Vauderame makes an appearance in … T= Ranperre's Tomb. ok I so I have to give thee gaurd a bat fang and the orc scales before its complete? u should be around 15 before u do this mission u basicly find Ding Bats til they drop Orc Armor then trade it to a gate house guard. Zone in and follow the right wall until you come out of the cave into an open area again. Talk to Arnau in the Cathedral in Northern San d'Oria (M-6) for a cutscene. I'm a lvl 10 war and not quite sure what direction to head in. then i went back and got the mail scale from the ding bats and lost the mail scale because my inventory was full...... now i try and go back and there isnt any dingbats to be found?? READ WHAT PEOPLE HAVE WRITTEN & U'LL GET THIS. I've lvl'd 10-13 so far killing everything in the tombs an at least 70 ding with no drop wtf? i got the scales near the start of the tomb, never made it to the gravestone (goblins!! Should I just throw my mail scales out? ive done this quest many times on my alts. bat fangs are only if you redo the task. Just thought I'd get a thread started and then add to it. Only the turns are to scale. More than once, they've dropped for me on the first or second bat I've killed. I got some good experience with this mission. -Though the scales are a fairly common drop, I have killed as many as 15-20 bats before seeing them drop, and that's with Treasure Hunter. This is an easy mission if u find someone that is familiar with the tombs. Just find dingbats in the maze and u should get a drop fairly quick. San d'oria is not my hometown. how can i finish the current mission ? If you find yourself in there... turn around. I got the scales from some random bunch of dingbats then and had no idea what I needed to do with them. XD. You must get here to get the cut scene to finish mission. with pauses for bats... and some big areas where goblins might hang out. There's always someone in there cleaning out the creatures for exp or whatnot. 1 Walkthrough 2 Notes 3 Game Description Talk to a San d'Orian Gate Guard to accept the mission. i did the mission.. i got both the iteams... how do i trade them in??? Becareful of the agros! Click on the grave and a cutscene will ensue. From there it's mostly bare tunnel (with ambient sounds for stepping in bat guano. Golden Bat 26-27 Giant Bat Bat Wing, Fiend Blood, Night Cape Valkurm Emperor 29-30 Fly Empress Hairpin, Insect Wing Valley of Sorrows Name Level Family Drops Adamantoise 72-74 Adamantoise Adaman Ore, , , , Sipar In part 2 there are 2 mazes one leads to something for a later quest... and one leads to a headstone. "Mission 1-2" doesn't require. ^.^ The hunt registry is a tome through which seasoned adventurers can undertake After that i started the mission talked to the tomb bought a bat fang at the sandy AH then traded them both to the person i got the mission from ^^. But are fairly close. ; If you do not have a map for King Ranperre's Tomb, one may be purchased from Violitte – Southern San d'Oria (G-10) or Elesca – Northern San d'Oria (I-8). !checkmission 0 Check which San d Preface:So it would appear that I'm one of the few that actually uses a keyboard (funny, I thought it was everyone >.>). Go left, right, right OR right, left, left to reach the entrance to the first underground section. There are a mess of Goblins that will of course help each other in a pinch. 1 Walkthrough 2 Game Description Talk to a San d'Orian Gate Guard to accept the mission. The distances are not. The complete series includes: This page last modified 2008-08-08 20:01:22. Speak to any San d'Orian Gate Guard, and select "Bat Hunt" to begin this mission. ; Kill Ding Bats in King Ranperre's Tomb until you receive Orcish Mail Scales. There are 2 Mazes... the one right near you... leads to a flat surface with a "???" From BG FFXI Wiki Jump to: navigation, search Were you looking for Flock Bat? Here's a short version for the impatient/lacking in attention span. The first time through you just need the Orc Mail Scales from a bat and to touch the headstone to trigger the cutscene. G= Goblin caves? Go to King Ranperre's Tomb (I-10). You could go around the donut all day if you like if you need Mouse Bats Fangs (second time through). Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Prepare to fight the 3 Orcs: Fodderchief Vokdek (Warrior) Strongarm Zodvad (Ranger) Sureshot Snatgat (Ranger) Head to Ghelsba Outpost and go to (F-10). Second Run through you can just follow the "donut". Next make your way through the maze until you reach the King's Tomb at, While repeating this mission, you must trade the San d'Orian Gate Guard 1, To save time and effort, obtain the quest, The Gate Guard cutscenes cannot be re-watched at a. This mission is part of the San d'Oria nation mission series. Help! That explaination is really poorly written. Recommended Level for Bat Hunt It's possible to complete this mission at level 5, if someone else is clearing the aggressive Undead and Goblins in the way. This mission is repeatable. You may now head back the way you came, leave the tomb zone and head back to San d'Oria. I went around probably droping a hundred of them in 1 or 2 hits and still nothing. When you continue passed the T junction the first big area might have Stone Eaters. The first time I went down to the tomb was on a fluke because I found the opening. Did this with a friend, 2 scale mails in 5 kills. After the cut scene slip back out and back to the Gate Guard. Click point that is Underground Area 2 for a Later level quest. … Perhaps more are needed. Lv12~ undead spawn inside and obtain the Orcish Mail Scales before activating the cutscene if you wish. Had lots of fun. In the opposite corner is the entrance to maze 2... (best way is head forward from the stairs to the wall in the distance... then head left all the way until you're almost at the corner then turn left and enter the opening in the wall) and at the heart of that mini labyrinth is the Headstone of the King... just walk up and double click it like an NPC and the cut scene will start. Make sure u watch the cut scene or the mission wont be complete. Ok, I was doing this mission with a lvl 23 warrior sub monk and I got the cutscene to go but when I tried the ding bats, they wouldn't drop the scale mail. wtf is up with that. They aint camping the bats....theyre camping the spook for an 80k easy drop =P. The Tomb is at (H-11) in Ronfaure East... very south of the map. ok i went to the maze and viewed the cut scene and didnt get the mail scale on my way out and i died cuz i went into the goblin cave.
2020 ffxi bat hunt