You may also run out of range of this move. Manawall/Convert if you need to and finish off the Cactuar if you got unlucky with resists. Critical hits are an easier, but less reliable way to remove auras. If the second 1-hour is Benediction, it's a wipe. Beyond that, the stats of the enemies are just higher. SCH/WHM should help tank stay un-enfeebled. Was hit rate floored in VE @ 1283 accuracy once it's level was capped. Imps possess a -99% damage taken from AoE abilities. Solo NIN with trusts of WHMx2, AATT, BRD, RDM. WHM should ensure that Apururu does not die while DDs focus on scoundrel. Sleep the adds with Dream Flower during the pull. Bozzetto Rascal(SMN), Bozzetto Chaser(THF) x2, Bozzetto Slicer(NIN), Bozzetto Defiler(BLM), Bozzetto Rascal(SMN), Bozzetto Chaser(THF) x2, Bozzetto Defiler(BLM), Bozzetto Rascal(SMN), Bozzetto Chaser(THF) x2, Bozzetto Rascal(SMN), Bozzetto Defiler(BLM), Bozzetto Justicar (PLD) x2, Bozzetto Sharpshooter (RNG) x2, Zahhak (WAR) x1, Bozzetto Justicar (PLD) x2, Bozzetto Sharpshooter (RNG) x2, Bozzetto Justicar (PLD) x1, Bozzetto Sharpshooter (RNG) x1. Additionally, the Moogles will have an amnesia aura during this time. Boss has potent spikes effect if Garuda is up. Punt. Healer will need to silence the adds. RDM should be careful to dispel any buffs from each target, apply, Once the BLM Bozzetto Servitor is defeated, the party should attack the Bozzetto Regent with. Progressively enfeebling the Songstress will grant different messages: The boss's throat is parched - 1 total debuff, The boss's begins to sing off key - 2 total debuffs, The boss's voice begins to crack -3 total debuffs, The boss's can barely croak the words out - 4 total debuffs. Sub-duties for BRD and GEO can be swapped if one person happens to be more capable of catching the Warble move better than the other. Fourth song, if available, is situational. PLD or RUN, DD/NIN or NIN/WAR, RDM/NIN, COR/NIN, BRD/NIN, SMN. eg: Poison Breath results in a heightened weakness to, Uses Voidsong at ~20% to remove all buffs. CDC's were doing 15-20k with the same in Light skillchains, and he went down pretty slowly. Two DDs then go to town taking the adds down. DDs go to town on the Pilferer and the RDM debuffs. Was probably an 8-10 minute fight in BLU/WAR just meleeing and CDCing him down with trusts. Tank turns during gaze moves, and faces Freyja and Skathi during any Disregard moves. Ambuscade capes can be purchased and augmented by the Tarutaru Gorpa-Masorpa in Mhaura (G-9) in exchange for Hallmarks acquired in Ambuscade. RDM uses Saboteur and binds Bozzetto Regent, sleeps the PLD Servitor and DRK Bozzetto Servitor and silences BLM Bozzeto Servitor. Each hp % will be carried out. These effigies do not posses a physical damage resistance like typical elementals. Howl MUST be removed or the party could potentially wipe (if Scherzo is not available) to Kamaitachi. RDM will Stymie Silence & Dia 3 then cast cures as needed. If the tank dies, immediately put Hymnus back on and let the tank get hate before continuing damage or healing. This aura is the start of the charm cycle (2 rounds of Veil of Chaos followed by Manic Dance). Gains aura after breaking enmity for ~4 seconds. Simply Sudden Lunge to stun, disengage and sleep with Dream Flower. SMN will Astral Flow/Astral Conduit right out the gate at 100% HP once the RDM has debuffed. Save NMs like Excalibur or Mjollnir for last, and the eye last of all. The new target should bring the Freyja back to the tank and reestablish a gaze on the target will remove the aura and return enmity to normal. As long as no one casts a debuff directly on Freyja (causing Draw-in), and the tank can at least avoid Doom (face target during Imperiling Disregard), this should be a very easy battle. The potency of this will increase based on the difficulty of the fight. To prevent charm, simply remove the aura to reset the boss. Flare (high damage to non-tanks even with Shell V), Washtub and Atra. Debilitating Spout: Conal damage, hate reset, full dispel, Cranial Thrust: Conal damage, ignores shadows. Actual engage time is about 2 min +/- 10 sec. D and VD can easily be melee burned. As soon as it re-summons Garuda, switch to and kill Garuda. No healer is really needed aside from Curaga II from BRD if DDs get hit with AOE. The stewards will randomly spawn around the boss while you are DPSing.
2020 ffxi ambuscade strategy