Planet Profile. Take the Solar System quiz Take the quiz > “A” ring. Space › The Solar System › Saturn › Saturn’s rings › Quiz. Saturn’s rings are 270,000 km (168,000 miles) wide, but only 10 m (33 ft) thick. When Saturn’s “A” ring was first discovered scientists thought that it and the “B” ring were one solid ring. In fact, Saturn is, also, the second-largest moon in the solar system and is even larger than the planet Mercury. 4 Facts About Saturn’s Rings. Take the solar system quiz. Researchers believe water from the rings is broken up into its components, hydrogen and oxygen; the hydrogen dissipates while the oxygen stays. Flying close by the rings, Cassini-Huygens observed enhanced levels of oxygen gas in the ring system. Take the solar system quiz Take the quiz > “A” ring. Cassini and … 8. And since there are 4 seasons, each of them lasts about a quarter of this period. So far, only four spacecraft had visited Saturn. A year on Saturn lasts about 29 standart years. Cassini also carried a probe, called Huygens (HOY-guns), that parachuted into the atmosphere of Saturn's giant moon Titan. More Amazing Facts About Saturn’s Rings. Take the Solar System quiz . We think that the rings of Saturn are somewhere between 10 million and 100 million years old, which is quite young considering that Saturn formed with the rest of the Solar System 4.5 billion years ago. Huygens sent back amazing information and images from this strange world whose surface we have never seen. More Facts about Saturn . Saturn’s ring system is the most extensive and complex in our solar system. Galileo first saw the rings in 1610 through a telescope. When the “A” ring was first discovered it was thought that it and the “B” ring were one solid ring. Saturn is popular for its beautiful rings and your introduction of the planet to your kid will be incomplete without a few facts about its rings. Facts about Saturn A Video On Saturn Facts. Quiz. If you use a good telescope, you can actually see the rings of Saturn. 2) Saturn’s A Ring acts like a giant sponge. Quiz. The Most Extensive Ring. The diameter of Saturn’s rings reaches 155,000 miles (250,000 km), but their density is low. Saturn’s rings are 168,000 miles (270,000 km) wide, but only 33 ft (10 m) thick. It orbited Saturn for 13 years, studying Saturn, its rings, and its moons much more thoroughly than the earlier spacecraft could. Here are some interesting facts exclusively about Saturn rings for kids: Saturn has 7 layers of rings. If all the material of the rings could be collected in one monolithic ball, we would get another moon with a diameter of just under 65 miles (100 km). It horizontally extends up to 175,000 miles (282,000 kilometres) and vertically extends up to 30 feet. Space › The Solar System › Saturn › Saturn’s rings › Quiz. 1) The rings have their own atmosphere. Saturn's ring system is divided into seven groups of rings and made of icy and rocky materials.
2020 facts about saturn's rings