The executive’s remarks suggest that the ads that appeared in print and on the website were basically the same, or very similar. The pharmaceutical companies’ practice provides special consideration based on the characteristics of one’s society, and not based on one’s personal needs. Kim points out that “Without pure research, medicine would not be as advanced as it is.”. The conclusion of the argument is that it is false that any contemporary poet who writes formal poetry is performing a politically conservative act. Response (C) is incorrect. It stands to reason that if headlight use is made mandatory, many less-careful drivers will also use headlights. Most Renaissance painters worked in a single medium, either tempera or oil. Consider Molly Peacock and Marilyn Hacker, two contemporary poets whose poetry is almost exclusively formal and yet who are themselves politically progressive feminists. But that is not the flawed pattern in the passage’s argument. All … Questions 4 and 5 deal with the following information: Given the following premises, state whether the conclusions are true, false, or unknown: All athletes are coaches, but not all coaches are athletes. However, nothing in what Kim says suggests disagreement with (E). In jurisdictions where use of headlights is optional when visibility is good, one driver in four uses headlights for daytime driving in good weather. For this reason, (D) actually runs counter to the journalist’s reasoning. Test your logic with 25 logic puzzles, including easy word logic puzzles for kids, and hard logic puzzles for adults. In this way the practice is failing to meet the pharmaceutical companies’ obligation to provide special consideration for those who most need the drugs and cannot afford them, and, in giving undeserved special consideration, failing to generate income that could have been used to support new drug research. Thus, (E) is the correct response. Logic also makes use of if–>then statements. The passage does not establish that, had Cooper been at the site, he could have successfully intervened to prevent the cantilever from breaking off. You’ll have to rely solely on your own ingenuity to solve these problems. There may be many more Bs than As. In other words, find the statement whose truth is required if the argument is to succeed in demonstrating its conclusion. Most supernova remnants that astronomers have detected have a neutron star nearby. This question asks you to find the assumption required by the argument. Anyone who sometimes writes poetry that is not politically conservative never writes poetry that is politically conservative. Answers to each are given below the set of questions. This is the flaw in the passage, and in response (D). In jurisdictions where use of headlights is optional when visibility is good, drivers who use headlights at all times are less likely to be involved in a collision than are drivers who use headlights only when visibility is poor. The people in wealthy nations should not have better access to health care than do the people in poorer nations. The executive’s reasoning does which one of the following? There are 60 marbles in a bowl. Then read the answer explanations to see whether or not your reasoning was on track. Moreover, the passage indicates that the rules of thumb used in bridge construction before 1907 were abandoned because the use of those rules did not provide adequate assurance of safety for bridges under construction. This question was of medium difficulty, based on the number of test takers who answered it correctly when it appeared on the LSAT. (A) is thus incorrect. (i) A weighs twice as much as B. Here we have a few principles you should keep in mind. Works of art in the Renaissance were mostly commissioned by patrons, so the Renaissance work The Dances of Terpsichore was probably commissioned by a patron. Choose the correct answer for each question: (1) Choose the image that completes the pattern. Nineteenth-century bridge engineers relied on their rules of thumb because analytical methods were inadequate to solve their design problems. Deductive reasoning test. Response (E) is incorrect. Thus the argument could not be said to confuse these two sorts of conditions. The historical examples in the argument are relevant to this claim, however. The executive does not infer a statistical generalization, which would involve generalizing about a population on the basis of a statistical sample. An Informal Gathering occurs when a group of people get together in a casual, relaxed manner. Laird: Pure research provides us with new technologies that contribute to saving lives. Similar to I.Q. Some forms of logic can also be performed by computers and even animals. Logical Reasoning Questions on Matching Definitions. Which one of the following is an assumption required by the argument? The “causal claim being made” could only be the argument’s conclusion that democracy does not promote political freedom, which denies that there is a causal connection between democracy and political freedom. Finally, since the alternative that was adopted in place of the old engineering rules of thumb was to “depend on far more rigorous applications of mathematical analysis,” it can be inferred that the mathematical analysis incorporated in the engineering rules of thumb used prior to 1907 made them insufficient to completely assure the safety of bridges under construction. The argument would thus be strengthened if there was evidence that the search instruments used would in fact be capable of finding the predicted neutron star if that star existed. The correct response, therefore, is (D). The supernova event of 1987 is interesting in that there is still no evidence of the neutron star that current theory says should have remained after a supernova of that size. Yet Highway Safety Department records show that making use of headlights mandatory at all times does nothing to reduce the overall number of collisions. This choice introduces a third scenario that does not explain anything about either of the situations discussed in the passage. Deanna is either before Annie or after Elise The first two spots are filled by boys. If this is the case, then don’t fret. The sample questions on the following pages are typical of the Logical Reasoning questions you will find on the LSAT. About two million years ago, lava dammed up a river in western Asia and caused a small lake to form. However, you are to choose the best answer; that is, choose the response that most accurately and completely answers the question. Below you’ll find example questions for the different types of logical reasoning test. Of these, Laird considers the second contribution to be more worthwhile. Kim, on the other hand, maintains that “Saving lives is what counts most of all.” Since pure research saves lives through medical applications, Kim disagrees with Laird about whether pure research has its most valuable achievements in medical applications. To support this claim, the journalist points out that different individuals in the same nation have differing abilities to pay, but this consideration does not, by itself, establish that the pharmaceutical company’s policy is unjustified. Some parents are teachers, but no parents are students or athletes. Moreover, because the content of neither Peacock’s nor Hacker’s work has been specified, (E) does not even allow us to draw a conclusion about the political consequences of their work. – Hello guys are you looking for some good logic questions then you are at the right place, here we provide you our best collection of logic questions and answers. It “travels” along the column up and down, one step at a time. As long as people who are not themselves politically conservative are capable of performing politically conservative acts, the question of whether it is possible for someone to write formal poetry without performing a politically conservative act remains unanswered.
2020 example question of logic