Friends craft our life fascinating or very less uninteresting or boring; they fill up our lives with plenty of reminiscences or memories. Long Essay on Importance of Friends in Our Life in English 500 words . True friendship can be between human and human and human and animals. I have some good friends who always think good about me. Generally friendship occurs between two people having same tastes, feelings and sentiments. They are very near to me. Always believe in hard work, where I am today is just because of Hard Work and Passion to My work. It is difficult to say something bad about the friendship but it is true that any careless person gets cheated in friendship. As we, team GuideToExam always focus on giving something new to our readers, this time, we have come with a detailed Essay on Friendship. My experience of Friends: – I have got both sweet and bitter taste of friends. Varieties of “Essay on Friendship” as per the requirement of Students are included here. Bad friends can be proved very bad to us as they are quite enough to ruin our life completely. Any relationship importance a lot in people’s life. //-->. humans can even be friends with animals as they might feel animals more trustworthy than human beings in short people can share friendship with anything they feel good with. We literally can’t live our whole life alone and hence we need a faithful and loyal relationship between two or more people to live happily called friendship or in short we need to have friends in our life in order to make our lifeless boring. They remained with me during my good times and they left me when I needed their help. Human is a social being and cannot live alone; he/she needs someone to share his/her feelings of joy or sorrow. He doesn’t like to live alone. Ltd. | 2017 All Rights Reserved. They leave us in our bad times. Friendship is the most expensive and beautiful gift one can give someone. Essay on Friendship: – Friendship is basically a relationship between two or more people of the same or different age groups. Searching for a good friend is very hard if we find a good friend, it makes our lives heaven and if our friend is bad he or she makes our life hard and ugly as hell. ADVERTISEMENTS: Friendship is a special boon of God given to man. They are not our real friends. google_ad_slot = "1982849078"; Friends always try to save us in our dangers as well as provide timely advice. Friendship is something which is something very difficult at the same time it bestows lots and lots of reminiscences too. Everyone has attraction towards the money by nature but true friends never make us feel bad when we become in need of money or other support. What is true friendship: – Though there is no certain definition of true friendship, we can identify true friendship through some certain qualities. In the good company of our friends we get motivation to do any hard work in life and it becomes easy to pass bad times cheerfully. Good friends help us to be positive and help improve our character etc. There is no any doubt that best friends help in our difficulties and bad times of the life. friends motivate each other without criticizing them. We can’t decide our family in which we are born right? google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6070398767421094"; Friendship is something which is something very complicated at the same time it gives lots and lots of memories too. Essay on Friendship in 50/100/150/500 words, Jewelry Boxes – What No One is Talking About, Step by Step Guide on How to learn Calculus Easier, Demonetisation Essay and Article – It’s Impacts on the society, Essay on importance of education in our life. True friends are always ready to protect each other from being hurt emotionally and physically. A person should have to be very lucky if have a good friend if you have a good friend then you should feel very special and lucky as very fewer people have this blessing. Essay on friendship in 150 words Friendship is a communal and a common faithful and loyal and trustworthy relationship flanked by two or more people who are emotionally involved and interrelated to each other in a friendly manner. Our bad times make us realize us about our good and bad friends. a girl can be a good friend of a boy and a boy can be good friends with a girl, literacy point, height or level in the social order, etc. You can get various related essays such as: Essay on Importance of Friends in our Life, A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed Essay. Friends can be both types good or bad, good friends lead us on good path whereas bad friends lead us on bad path, so we should be careful while choosing friends in life. Friendship refers to companionship and closeness. Good friends help to overcome a fear of something. Loyal friendship lasts forever but the friendship which was meant for advantage of anything is quite a little harmful. Friends can alter a person from Good to bad and even bad to good, the thing which matters the most is friendship or amity or acquaintance or companionship or comradeship or camaraderie or closeness or familiarity or our alliance. Friends can be of the same or different age, origin, community, even species. No one of us has complete and satisfied life if we lack faithful friendship. No one of us has complete and satisfied life if we lack faithful friendship. Without a friend, our life will become dull and Charmless. However, sometimes lending or borrowing of money from friends keeps friendship in great risk. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});