[8], The moorhens frequently flick their conspicuous white and black tail. The Dusky Moorhen is widespread in eastern and south-western Australia, ranging from Cooktown to eastern South Australia and in the southern corner of Western Australia. [2], Three subspecies are recognised: subspecies frontata from southeastern Borneo, the Sunda Islands, Timor and western New Guinea, subspecies neumannii from northern New Guinea, and the nominate subspecies from Australia. [8], Breeding season is from August to January in the south of Australia, with generally one brood, and January to June in the north, often brooding twice. The Dusky Moorhen are found in wetlands, including swamps, rivers, and artificial waterways. In hot weather they may sit high up in trees. [3], Common names include dusky moorhen, black gallinule, black moorhen and waterhen. Engage in more intimate and personal animal experiences by purchasing a Wildlife Animal Encounter. The adult dusky moorhen is mainly dark grey-black, with a browner tinge to the upper parts. [3], During autumn and winter, the colour of the frontal shield grows duller in females and young males. At the start of the 1999 breeding season. Young birds leave their place of birth in autumn and spring, and may be found in locations not normally frequented by adult birds. Breeding. ... Footage of a moorhen … Each female will produce approximately 11 eggs. Breeding season takes place between August to March. The Gough moorhen on the other hand is considered almost flightless; it can only flutter some metres. During breeding season, the Dusky Moorhen forms breeding groups of two to seven birds, with all members defending territory, building nests and looking after young. At the peak of breeding this occurs many times a day. [6], The dusky moorhen feeds both on land and in water. It has a red frontal shieldand yellow-tipped red bill like its Eurasian relative, but lacks the white flank line s… It has a red frontal shield and yellow-tipped red bill like its Eurasian relative, but lacks the white flank line shown by common moorhen, and has orange-yellow rather than yellow legs. [8][5] They are also found in urban parks such as Gold Coast Regional Botanic Gardens and often in dams and river banks. [8][9], The territorial call is a loud kurk or krik, which may be repeated or run together, sounding like kurruk-uk. It occurs in India, Australia, New Guinea, Borneo and Indonesia. They roost on platforms constructed in reeds set above the water, on branches over the water, and more rarely on the ground in the reeds. Swimming and preening birds may make a series of short, stacatto, widely spaced noises. During that time, the Dusky Moorhen forms breeding groups of two to seven birds, with all members defending territory, building nests and looking after young. During that time, the Dusky Moorhen forms breeding groups of two to seven birds, with all members defending territory, building nests and looking after young. The shallow platform nests are made of reeds and other water plants over water, among reeds or on floating platforms in open water. Adults may make a quiet hissing noise when their eggs are disturbed. [18] This species builds a bulky nest of reeds or grasses at the water's edge or a few centimetres above the water, often at the base of a Melaleuca and lays a clutch of 5–11 matte whitish eggs that are covered with red-brown dots and splotches. Those that migrate do so at night. The Australian subspecies is larger and pager than both other subspecies. Gregory Mathews described two subspecies that have been synonymized—magnirostris from Western Australia and subfrontata from New South Wales. [15][16] They require open water, usually with some cover such as grass, reeds, and other vegetation. [4], The dusky moorhen is a medium size bird, slightly smaller than the purple swamphen. Those that migrate do so at night. there were 61 moorhens in eight breeding groups and one non-breeding. Young birds are much duller and browner than adults, with a greenish bill and face shield. Tapered oval in shape, they measure 53 mm long by 36 mm wide each and have more prominent markings at the larger end. Breeding: During breeding season (August to March), the Dusky Moorhen forms breeding groups of up to seven birds. [18] It is territorial when breeding, but otherwise gregarious. ... of the dusky moorhen leads to reduced levels of relatedness. The dusky moorhen (Gallinula tenebrosa) is a bird species in the rail family and is one of the eight extant species in the moorhen genus. It has a red bill with a yellow tip and a red facial shield. The Dusky Moorhen measures between 35 - 40 centimetres in length. It occurs in India, Australia, New Guinea, Borneo and Indonesia. Charles Lucien Bonaparte described Gallinula haematopus in 1856, but this is now a nomen nudum. [11] In Australia, they are found all across the eastern states of Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland as far north as Cooktown, as well as the eastern part South Australia and the south-western tip of Western Australia. [6][7][8] The chicks are fed mostly on annelid worms and molluscs, with plant matter gradually being given in increasing proportions by the parents as the young mature. It is often confused with the purple swamphen and the Eurasian coot due … Adults also make short clicking noises when separated from chicks, and the young give a series of descending whistles in response. Gallinula tenebrosa subfrontata Mathews, 1912. During the warmer months, in the breeding season, the shield grows brighter again in both sexes. Breeding season takes place between August to March. [8][10], Both sexes make a soft mewing noise, or a soft kook noise before and during courtship. It diet consists of seeds, the tips of shrubs and grasses, algae, fruits, molluscs, and other invertebrates. During the day they rest at these places, and may also sit on floating vegetation, rocks, logs, and on the banks. Two or more females will lay their eggs in the same nest and all members of the group help to incubate the eggs and feed the young. Gallinula haematopus Bonaparte, 1856 The Dusky Moorhen feeds in the water and on land on algae, water plants and grasses, as well as seeds, fruits, mollusks and other invertebrates.
2020 dusky moorhen breeding season